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Introduction, p. xxi. Life of Garrick. T. Davies. 1780, vol. i. p. 223. Notitia Dramatica, MSS. Dept. British Museum, speaks of Pasquin as performed for the fortieth time on April 21, 1736: and quotes an advertisement of the play for March 5. There seems to be no record of the actual first night. Rich appears to have been the manager at Covent Garden from 1733 to 1761.

Por entonces, escribió e imprimió en Londres su obra dramática más notable a mi juicio, Contigo Pan y Cebolla; refundió Las Costumbres de Antaño, y dio a luz una Cartilla política que acaso aun más que sus servicios diplomáticos le ganaría la voluntad de nuestros hombres de 1833.

These suspected lapses into her old habits should serve as seasoning to the statement of the "Biographia Dramatica" that Eliza Haywood was "in mature age, remarkable for the most rigid and scrupulous decorum, delicacy, and prudence, both with respect to her conduct and conversation." If she was not too old a dog to learn new tricks, she at least did not forget her old ones.

As Baker observes in his Biographia Dramatica, it may fairly be ranked as a sequel to Buckingham's Rehearsal, since it includes the absurdities of nearly all the writers of tragedies from the period when that piece stops to 1730. Among the authors satirised are Nat. "O Sophonisba, Sophonisba, O!" is parodied by

"In literature," writes M. Paul Morillot, "even if quality is wanting, quantity has some significance," and though we may share Scott's abhorrence for the whole "Jemmy and Jenny Jessamy tribe" of novels, we cannot deny the authoress the distinction accorded her by the "Biographia Dramatica" of being for her time, at least "the most voluminous female writer this kingdom ever produced."

I can read Virgil middlin'; an' Horace's Ars Poetica, the whilk Mr Graham says is no its richt name ava, but jist Epistola ad Pisones; for gien they bude to gie 't anither it sud ha' been Ars Dramatica. But leddies dinna care aboot sic things." "You gentlemen give us no chance. You won't teach us." "Noo, my leddy, dinna begin to mak' ghem o' me, like my lord.

If I had known of such a piece in the whole collection, I should have been angry. What can be done? In a note, Mr. Nichols says that this piece 'has not only appeared in the Works of Rowe, but has been transplanted by Pope into the Miscellanies he published in his own name and that of Dean Swift. He published, in 1782, a revised edition of Baker's Biographia Dramatica.

Haywood wrote it, she was biting the hand that fed her, for The Virtuous Villager probably owed its second translation and what little sale it may have enjoyed to the similarity between the victorious virgin and the popular Pamela. The Biographia Dramatica gives this date. Clara Reeve, Progress of Romance, I, 121, however, gives 1758, while Mrs.

First printed in the year 1739. Dr. Edward Young. Ambrose Philips, author of the Distrest Mother, &c. Edward Ward. See Dunciad, and Biographia Dramatica. Joseph Mitchell. See Biographia Dramatica. Published first in the Literary Magazine, No. iv. from July 15, to Aug. 15, 1756. This periodical work was published by Richardson, in Paternoster row, but was discontinued about two years after. Dr.

"In the numerous volumes which she gave to the world towards the latter part of her life," says the "Biographia Dramatica," somewhat hastily, "no author has appeared more the votary of virtue, nor are there any novels in which a stricter purity, or a greater delicacy of sentiment, has been preserved." Without discussing here the comparative decency of Mrs.