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The merrymakers scattered like flies into the house, into the tower, into the sheds and stables in the court behind, under the trees in front anywhere out of the hall, where shelter was none from the perpendicular, abandoned down-pour. At that moment, Letty was dancing with Tom, and her hand happened to be in his.

Broad sheets of electric flame play along the ground, filling the air with a strange, unnatural light; heavy, pattering raindrops begin to fall, and, ten minutes after, a pelting, pitiless down-pour is drenching the sod-cabin of the lonely rancher, and, for the time being, converting the level plain into a shallow lake.

She had the eerie feeling of having been overswept by a shadow which there had been no cloud to cast... A moment later Owen had left the room and she and Darrow were alone. He had turned away to the window and stood staring out into the down-pour. "You're surprised at Owen's news?" she asked. "Yes: I am surprised," he answered. "You hadn't thought of its being Miss Viner?"

Here and there one sat under a moving arch of blossoms, or in a bower of leaves and petals, and they were all gay with their club costumes and insignia. In the height of the display a sudden mountain shower gathered and broke upon them. They braved it till it became a drenching down-pour; then they leaped from their machines and fled to any shelter they could find, under trees and in doorways.

They had reason to thank the corporal for the scientific way in which he had set up their tent, for they were not even conscious of a small hurricane that blew up about two o'clock, accompanied by a sharp down-pour of rain; some of the tents were blown down, and the men, wakened out of their sound slumber, were drenched and had to scamper in the pitchy darkness, while theirs stood firm and they were warm and dry, thanks to the ingenious device of the trench.