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The infamous dog has got every vice except hypocrisy, and that belongs to his brother." "Hush, my dearest love! we're in Sir Pitt's grounds," interposed his wife. "I say he has got every vice, Mrs. Crawley. Don't Ma'am, bully me. Didn't he shoot Captain Marker? Didn't he rob young Lord Dovedale at the Cocoa-Tree?

The Peak of Derbyshire Castleton Bess of Hardwicke Hardwicke Hall Bolsover Castle The Wye and the Derwent Buxton Bakewell Haddon Hall The King of the Peak Dorothy Vernon Rowsley The Peacock Inn Chatsworth The Victoria Regia Matlock Dovedale Beauchief Abbey Stafford Castle Trentham Hall Tamworth Tutbury Castle Chartley Castle Alton Towers Shrewsbury Castle Bridgenorth Wenlock Abbey Ludlow Castle The Feathers Inn Lichfield Cathedral Dr.

Since it happened to be the transition moment, when Mr Carey had ceased to be a mate, and was only a prospective commander, the authorities in Melbourne, consulting latest advices, had no doubt of his having been on the DOVEDALE to the last. Those of them who presently found themselves mistaken did not take the trouble to say so. They left it to time and the newspapers.

The Duke of Dovedale assured his friends that this was one of the proudest moments of his life, and that if Providence had permitted a son of his own to attain his majority, he, the Duke, could have hardly felt a deeper interest in the occasion than he felt to-day.

But old Dovedale stole him from me bribed him by higher pay. Since then I have had nothing but clerks rent-collectors rascally makeshifts, all of them." "But I know nothing about land I have had no experience!" "A misfortune but in some ways to the good. I don't want any cocksure fellow, with brand-new ideas lording it over me. I should advise you of course."

He forgot to write again when, not very long afterwards, he went back to his old line, at the invitation of the Company, as captain of the ship on which he had served as mate. "'Dovedale' DOVEDALE hullo!" Mr Pennycuick broke the silence of his newspaper reading. "Why, isn't that Well, upon my soul! it does seem as if some folks were born unlucky.

He spent the next ten days in the Isaac Walton Inn, at Dovedale, near Derby, waiting for the fog to lift, and whilst so waiting wrote the first draft of the play, which he entitled "Ben-my-Chree," Barrett was enthusiastic about it, and "Ben-my-Chree" was duly produced for the first time at the Princess Theatre, on May 14, 1888, before a packed house, in which every literary celebrity in London was present.

A sharp sudden memory thrilled her, as they stood face to face in that brilliant gallery the memory of their last meeting in the darkened room on the day of her father's funeral. "How do you do?" said Roderick, with a gush of originality. "Your mamma is here, I suppose." "Haven't you seen her?" "No; we've only just come." "We," no doubt, meant the Dovedale party, of which Mr.

"No, dear; they go out of fashion; and I give them to Pauline." "A sixty-guinea dress flung to your waiting-maid! The Duchess of Dovedale could not do things in better style." "I should be very sorry not to dress better than the Duchess," said Mrs. Winstanley, "she is always hideously dowdy. But a duchess can afford to dress as badly as she likes." "I see.

This is the kind of glen scenery that is found along the courses of the Semois, Lesse, and Ourthe, recalling, with obvious differences, that of Monsal Dale or Dovedale, but always, perhaps, without that subtle note of wildness that robes even the mild splendours of Derbyshire with a suggestion of mountain dignity.