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But when the morrow came was it to be wondered at that Miss Ray had developed a high fever? Was it not characteristic that before noon, from the official head down, from Dr. Wells to Dottie Fellows, the most diminutive of the party, there lived not a woman of their number who was not eager in tender of services and in desire to be at the sufferer's bedside?

Seaton, knowing from the data of their first journey, that the controls could be so set as to duplicate their feat in every particular without supervision, stepped into his seat in the new controller, pressed a key, and spoke. "Hi, Dottie, what's on your mind?" "Nothing much," Dorothy's clear voice answered. "Got it done and can I see it?" "Sure sit tight and I'll send a boat after you."

It seemed to all the children that time stood still while they waited. Would the four weeks never be gone? One day Dottie stood with Katie by the back-door blowing bubbles. The blue sky, the white fences, the green trees, and even the people who passed in the street, made little pictures of themselves on the bubbles. It was very beautiful.

So she's always called Dottie." "You've not answered my question," said Mrs Fotheringham. "Why, of course we were all dreadfully sorry," answered Iris. "We did go once, but I'm the only one who remembers what it was like, because the others were too small." "Did you like it?"

"It's such a lovely spectacle to see the methodical Dottie King trying to persuade the poetical and always-behind-time Frances to put off till to-morrow what she ought to have done day before yesterday. Come, Dottie, take off your coat and go to work." "I'm sorry I'm always late," said Frances, sweetly.

He can't go alone I think he says he will be killed if he goes anywhere without you. And he says that when you get there, you must be sure not to let the guards come inside." "All right, let's go!" and Seaton motioned the man to precede him. As Seaton started for the door, Dorothy fell into step beside him. "Better stay back, Dottie, I'll be back in a minute," he said at the door.

I think he's gone somewhere, so far away that it can't read on him. I'm going to house it in, re-jewel it, and find out where he is." "An excellent idea. He has even you worrying, and as for myself " "Worrying! That bird is simply pulling my cork! I'm so scared he'll get Dottie, that I'm running around in circles and biting myself in the small of the back.

One tried to grab Uncle Wiggily, and another made a dash for Lulu Wibblewobble. "Oh dear!" cried Dottie Trot, without looking to see if her hair ribbon was on straight. "We shall all be eaten up!" "No, you won't!" cried the brave July bug. "I'll fix those foxes!"

"Dottie or Mrs. Crane, or both. Her mother she is telling her goodbye now and I agree that the danger here is greater than out there." "Danger out there? With the old can fixed the way she is now, Dot's a lot safer there than you are in bed. Your house might fall down, you know." "You're probably right, son I know you, and I know Martin Crane.

Said she, "When Gertrude Bennett is forced to milk her cows, she waits till after dark; her mother told me so in confidence. Yes, child, yes" this was to Dottie who, beginning to whimper, put an end to the conversation. Sophia did not wait till after dark: it might be an excellent way for Miss Bennett, but it was not her way.