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A gentleman says yes to a great many things without stopping to think: a shabby fellow is known by his caution in answering questions, for fear of, compromising his pocket or himself. Mr. Silas Peckham looked very grave at the request. The dooties of Miss Darley at the Institoot were important, very important.

He paid her large sums of money for her time, more than she could expect to get in any other institootion for the edoocation of female youth. A deduction from her selary would be necessary, in case she should retire from the sphere of her dooties for a season. He should be put to extry expense, and have to perform additional labors himself. He would consider of the matter.

Here Hempel passed through the store, clad in his Sunday best, his hair plastered flat with bear's-grease. "Going out for a stroll?" asked his master. "That was my h'intention, sir. I don't think you'll find I've left any of my dooties undone." "Oh, go, by all means!" said Mahony curtly, nettled at having his harmless query misconstrued.

"An' then his idees about his dooties is wide. He jest scouts far an' near, an' don't pay no more heed to distance an' fatigue than a steer does to cobwebs.

A gentleman says yes to a great many things without stopping to think: a shabby fellow is known by his caution in answering questions, for fear of, compromising his pocket or himself. Mr. Silas Peckham looked very grave at the request. The dooties of Miss Darley at the Institoot were important, very important.

"How far 'ull it be to t' chapel at Scargill Fell?" "Nine mile. She'll not be for takkin' much notice of her Sunday dooties I'm thinkin'." "An' yo' unnerstan' she'll be juist a yoong thing? An't' baby only juist walkin'." Dixon nodded. Suddenly there was a sound in the corridor a girl's laugh, and a rush of feet.

I don't frale him; I saveys it's because he feels hoomiliated with me not callin' him by name. "As a roole me an' Jerry gets through our dooties harmonious. He can pull like a lion an' never flinches or flickers at a pinch. It's shore a vict'ry to witness the heroic way Jerry goes into the collar at a hard steep hill or some swirlin', rushin' ford.

Let 'em go gold-washing and making their fortunes. They're off on a holiday, and as they'll have no dish-washing or other dooties to do they'll have plenty of time, and I hope they'll enjoy themselves." "You mean to leave them behind?" "That's about it, sir. They've gone. It isn't my doing. I didn't drive them away." "What, skipper?" cried Briscoe, laughing. "It that wasn't driving, what was it?"

The Dooty compelled me to depart from the town, and I set out for Sansanding, without any great hopes of faring better there than I had done at Sibity; for I learned from people who came to visit me, that a report prevailed, and was universally believed, that I had come to Bambarra as a spy; and as Mansong had not admitted me into his presence, the Dooties of the different towns were at liberty to treat me in what manner they pleased.

He paid her large sums of money for her time, more than she could expect to get in any other institootion for the education of female youth. A deduction from her salary would be necessary, in case she should retire from the sphere of her dooties for a season. He should be put to extra expense, and have to perform additional labors himself. He would consider of the matter.