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Thomas J. Hughes" was the legend on the door-plate bustled about in the liveliest way, and talked most cheerfully. "Ah, young folk as usual, leaving things to the last moment, and then in a desperate hurry," he chirped. "Got the license yes? Complied with all the formalities? Of course, of course. Where's the ring? You've not forgotten the ring?"

I want to know whether Jacob Nowell is still living?" "Yes, sir. Mr. Nowell is my master. You might, have noticed his name upon the door-plate if you had looked! Do you wish to see him?" "I do. Tell him that I am an old friend, just come from America." Luke Tulliver went into the parlour behind the half-glass door, Norton Percival following upon him closely. He heard the old man's voice saying,

He now saw Hilda exclusively as a victim, whose misfortunes were innumerable. Imagine this creature, with her passion for Victor Hugo, obliged by circumstances to polish a brass door-plate surreptitiously at night! Imagine her solitary in the awful house with the broker's man! Imagine her forced to separate herself from her child!

Anyhow, I must go through with it now, as I've let it out to Grigsby." The fact is, I was about to try to interview Miss Jenny T. Buller, the inventress and manager of the "Brothers' Agency," perhaps the most important social factor of the present century. In due course I found myself opposite a smart-looking house, on whose door-plate was engraved "The Brothers' Agency."

The family, I knew, had moved to another house; but being well acquainted with the town, I had no difficulty in finding the place. It was a range of handsome buildings which had sprung up in the fashionable outskirt during my absence; and although it was far on in the evening, my accustomed eyes soon descried through the gloom the governor's old-fashioned door-plate.

Unwilling to lose time, he left them, and having no other resource, hastened to the last place mentioned on his list. It was now late, too late to enter a private house under ordinary circumstances, but this house was lighted up, and a carriage stood in front of it; so he had the courage to run up the steps and consult the large door-plate visible from the sidewalk. It read thus: HABERSTOW.

It was another red brick house, with black outside shutters, green inside blinds, a black street-door up two white steps, a brazen door-plate, and a brazen door-handle full stop. It was a size larger than Mr. Bounderby's house, as other houses were from a size to half-a-dozen sizes smaller; in all other particulars, it was strictly according to pattern. Mrs.

'I have signed it for the ladies, ma'am, he said, 'and you'll have the goodness to sign it for yourself, Christian and Surname, there, if you please. 'Mr. Grewgious, said Mrs. Billickin in a new burst of candour, 'no, sir! You must excuse the Christian name. Mr. Grewgious stared at her. 'The door-plate is used as a protection, said Mrs.

I'll test the benevolence of some gospel-wrestler, and borrow the devil's impudence for the occasion." I walked rapidly into a more fashionable quarter of the city, looking attentively at every door-plate. Without a moment's hesitation I mounted the steps and rang the bell savagely. The door was opened by a fat old flunkey with a red nose of an alarming aspect.

A writer on the subject of names and their significance has given the following account of this trait: The great novelist once spent an entire day tramping about in the remotest quarters of Paris in search of a fitting name for a character just conceived by him. Every sign-board, every door-plate, every affiche upon the walls, was scrutinized.