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I believe there's mair hares than sheep on my farm; and for the moor-fowl or the grey-fowl, they lie as thick as doos in a dookit. Did ye ever shoot a blackcock, man? 'Really I had never even the pleasure to see one, except in the museum at Keswick. 'There now! I could guess that by your Southland tongue. It's very odd of these English folk that come here, how few of them has seen a blackcock!

I believe there's mair hares than sheep on my farm; and for the moor-fowl or the grey-fowl, they lie as thick as doos in a dookit. Did ye ever shoot a blackcock, man? 'Really I had never even the pleasure to see one, except in the museum at Keswick. 'There now! I could guess that by your Southland tongue. It's very odd of these English folk that come here, how few of them has seen a blackcock!

If it warna that your father, auld David Deans, had been a tenant on our land, I would cry up the men-folk, and hae ye dookit in the burn for your impudence." Jeanie had already turned her back, and was walking towards the door of the court-yard, so that Mrs. Balchristie, to make her last threat impressively audible to her, had raised her stentorian voice to its utmost pitch.

I believe there's mair hares than sheep on my farm; and for the moor-fowl or the grey-fowl, they lie as thick as doos in a dookit. Did ye ever shoot a blackcock, man? 'Really I had never even the pleasure to see one, except in the museum at Keswick. 'There now! I could guess that by your Southland tongue. It's very odd of these English folk that come here, how few of them has seen a blackcock!

If it warna that your father, auld David Deans, had been a tenant on our land, I would cry up the men-folk, and hae ye dookit in the burn for your impudence." Jeanie had already turned her back, and was walking towards the door of the court-yard, so that Mrs. Balchristie, to make her last threat impressively audible to her, had raised her stentorian voice to its utmost pitch.