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And I'm scared of it: I'm horrible scared of it! My God! Me! At a jane-junket! ... all the thin ones diked out with doodads where the bones come through ... stoking like sailors on shore leave ... all the fat ones grouchy about their shapes and thinking it's their souls. ..." And he broke out, in a fluttering falsetto: "'Oh, Mr. Flint, do please let us see your lovely butterflies!

Your arguments for modern things with me cannot avail; my father reaped his grain by hand and thrashed it with a flail; then who am I to strike new paths and buy machinery? The methods good enough for dad are good enough for me! I want no hydrant by my house such doodads I won't keep!

Of course I eat an apple every evening an apple a day keeps the doctor away but still, you ought to have more prunes, and not all these fancy doodads." "The last time I had prunes you didn't eat them." "Well, I didn't feel like eating 'em, I suppose. Matter of fact, I think I did eat some of 'em.

But just the same " Babbitt attended to her: "Nonsense! Get just as much, studying at home. You don't think a fellow learns any more because he blows in his father's hard-earned money and sits around in Morris chairs in a swell Harvard dormitory with pictures and shields and table-covers and those doodads, do you? I tell you, I'm a college man I KNOW! There is one objection you might make though.

"Kinda like a lil music while I wrassle them pots an' pans in the galley." "Sure, pardner." Tom pointed toward a portable radio on a shelf nearby. Chow's leathery face broke into a grin as he picked it up. "One o' them slick lil transistor doodads, eh?" The cook flicked on the dial knob and the twangy strains of Hawaiian guitar music came throbbing out.

When he first conducted for the radio he strenuously objected to the arrangement whereby the engineers in the control room had the last word as to the volume of sound that was to go out on the air. Radio executives pacified him by rigging up an elaborate set of dials on his desk. These he happily twirled, completely unaware that the doodads were dead.

And they made a mistake there: the prizes were a lot of folderols and doodads like poetry books and illustrated Testaments, instead of something a real live kid would want to work for, like real cash or a speedometer for his motor cycle.

"You've had a lot of experience with housekeeping, aunty, and don't you think," Kennicott appealed, "that it would be sensible to have a nice square house, and pay more attention to getting a crackajack furnace than to all this architecture and doodads?" Aunt Bessie worked her lips as though they were an elastic band. "Why of course!

There was silver-backed brushes and all sorts of expensive doodads spread out loose, and Miss Robinson's watch and a di'mond ring, and a few other knickknacks. I couldn't imagine a thief's leavin' all that truck, and I said so. "'Them? sputters Pa, frantic. 'What the brimstone blazes do you think I care for them? I could buy that sort of stuff by the car-load, if I wanted to.

"There is no possible hope for him," he acknowledged. "The gown fits very nicely, too." "Chloe did it she cut it off, and sewed on the doodads " "The what?" "The ruffly things." Myra Nell sighed. "It's hard to make a dressmaker out of a cook.