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Of her might be said with truth, that "sa part d'esprit lui avait ete donnee en bon sens." Taking reality for her guide, she had followed in the beaten track of life, carefully avoiding the many sharp flints which caprice scatters in the way.

I think this is partly owing to the fact that the subject, the donnée, as the French say, of the story, does not quite fill it out, and that we get at the same time an impression of certain complicated purposes on the author's part, which seem to reach beyond it. I call it larger and more various than its companions, and it has indeed a greater richness of tone and density of detail.

"What would you have wished me to do?" he returned, dryly. "Don't you think she had suffered enough?" "Oh, in this sort of thing it doesn't seem the question of suffering. If there's wrong done the penalty doesn't right it." The notion struck Verrian's artistic sense. "That's true. That would make the 'donnee' of a strong story. Or a play. It's a drama of fate. It's Greek.

Andrews stood a long while leaning against the window frame, until he heard Henslowe's voice behind him: "Depuis le jour ou je me suis donnee." "You look like 'Louise." Andrews turned round. Henslowe was sitting on the edge of the bed with his hair in disorder, combing his little silky mustache with a pocket comb. "Gee, I have a head," he said.

This law being intended partly to meet the barbarous violences with which the excesses and quarrels of the Barons had half dismantled Rome, and principally to repeal some old penal laws by which the houses of a certain class of offenders might be destroyed; but the French translator construes it, "Que nulle maison de Rome ne saroit donnee en propre, pour quelque raison que ce put etre; mais que les revenus en appartiendroient au public!"

Venice remained for eight years under the Austrians, who thereby obtained what, in flagrant perversion of the principles on which the Congress of Vienna professed to act, was accepted in 1815 as their title-deeds to its possession. Meanwhile, after the battle of Austerlitz, the city of the sea was tossed back to Napoleon, who incorporated it in the newly-created kingdom of Italy, which no more corresponded to its name than did the Gothic kingdom of which he arrogated to himself the heirship, when, placing the Iron Crown of Theodolinda upon his brow, he uttered the celebrated phrase: 'Dieu me l'a donnée, gare

Very delicately, with a curious human clarity of sound, the violin of M. Cartel executed the first notes of Louise's declaration in the duet with Julian 'Depuis le jour je me suis donnée! One caught the whole intention of the composer in the few crystal notes one figured the whole scene the little house of love, the lovers in their Garden of Eden, and below Paris symbolic Paris!

'Plus de joie m'est donnee Par ce moyen, O Dieu Tres-Haut, Que n'ont ceux qui ont grand annee De froment et bonne vinee, D'huile et tout ce qu'il leur faut. If it had indeed been the ghostly chant, perhaps Eustacie would not have been able to help joining it. As it was, the familiar home words irresistibly impelled her to mingle her voice, scarce knowing what she did, in the verse

He would appear to have trusted his method too far, trusted it not only to carry him through the development and the climax of his story, but also to constitute his donnée, his prime situation in the beginning. This was to throw too much upon it, and it is critically of high interest to see where it failed, and why.

It is true that there is a mention of a bodice for Eve, but probably the donnee of the play was after the Fall. Indeed, anybody who cares to examine the age of Shakespeare will see that archaeology was one of its special characteristics.