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And the voices of the singers rang on, pealing under the arches and echoing along the vaulted roof: "Uni trinoque Domino Sit sempiterna gloria: Qui vitam sine termino Nobis donet in patria." "Sine termino sine termino!" Oh, happy Jesus, Who could sink beneath His cross! Oh, happy Jesus, Who could say: "It is finished!" This doom is never ended; it is eternal as the stars in their courses.

He pressed the young woman's hand, kissed Emile on the cheeks, and sat down, more at ease than if he were in his own house, his heart swelling in the same way. Mademoiselle Donet seemed to him a little thinner and paler. She must have grieved sorely.

But the most common fame went, that he was sticken with a dagger by the handes of the duke of Gloceter." "Parcat Deus", adds he, "spatium poenitentiae Ei donet, Quicunque sacrilegas manus in Christum Domini ausus est immittere. Unde et agens tyranni, patiensque gloriosi martyris titulum mereatur."

His historian, therefore, ought not to have alone related what tended to his reproach and infamy; but also what might redound to his Praise and Honour. Plato in Menone, Seneca de otio sap. cap. 31. So also Horace, Virtutem doctrina paret, naturane donet, Epist. lib. I. ep. 18. Aeschines Socraticus, Dial.

Then, after he had finished his occupations and his reflections, he would sit down at the side of a road, asking himself whether this kind of life was going to last for ever. He frequently thought of Mademoiselle Donet. He liked her. He considered her thoroughly respectable, a gentle and honest young woman, as his father had said. Yes, undoubtedly she was an honest girl.

In one of these, speaking of those who evaded military service, he says: "Heribannum comes exactare non praesumat: nisi Missus noster prius Heribannum ad partem nostram recipiat, et ei," the Count, "suam tertiam partem exinde per jussionem nostram donet."

About three o'clock, he rose up with regret, quite annoyed at the thought of having to go. "Well! Mademoiselle Donet," he said, "I wish you good evening, and am delighted to have found you like this." She remained standing before him, blushing, much affected, and gazed at him while she thought of the other. "Shall we not see one another again?" she said.

He replied simply: "Why, yes, mam'zelle, if it gives you pleasure." "Certainly, Monsieur César. Will next Thursday suit you then?" "Yes, Mademoiselle Donet." "You will come to lunch, of course?" "Well if you are so kind as to invite me, I can't refuse." "It is understood, then, Monsieur César next Thursday at twelve, the same as to-day." "Thursday at twelve, Mam'zelle Donet!"

But he would not allow her to uncork the bottle of white wine. He several times wiped the mouth of the little boy, who had smeared all his chin with sauce. As he was rising up to go, he asked: "When would you like me to come back to speak about this business to you, Mam'zelle Donet?" "If it is all the same to you, say next Thursday, Monsieur César.

However, he kept thinking until evening that, in order to obey the last wish of his father, he ought to repair to Rouen next day, and see this girl Catholine Donet, who resided in the Rue d'Eperlan in the third story, second door.