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"Sure," said Joseph genially waving his hand to the driver to stop. "They're over here in my locker. I know what that is. I been there. When I come here they rubbed it into me jist as they're doin' to you. Doncher mind. You'll come out all right. Up here for your health, are you? It ain't always like that. Somedays there ain't most nothin' to do here. Then somedays ag'in there's a whole lot.

The prisoners did not lose any sleep over this enterprise, for both Tom and Archer were young and Archer at least was regarded as an irresponsible soul, whose mission on earth was to cause trifling annoyance and much amusement. Tom, sober, silent and new among them, was an unknown quantity. "Doncher care," said Archer. "Robert Fulton had a lot o' trouble and nobuddy b'lieved him, and all that."

"I did not suppose you would go out to shoot the poor, innocent little rabbits, Mr. Sweet," said Laura, with sober face but dancing eyes. "They have never done you any harm." "I bet a real bad rabbit would make Purt run," muttered Bobby. "Oh, Miss Belding!" said the school dandy. "You know I'm awf'ly keen on sport awf'ly keen, doncher know.

Its modest cheek has been set aflame by the exuberant display of the nude in art. And the West is kicking, kicking with both feet, kicking like a bay steer who has a kick coming and knows how to recalcitrate. The culchawed East and blase Yewrup look on with mild astonishment and wondah what ails the bawbarians, doncher know.

A sudden peal of laughter stopped her, whereupon she threw up her head, and her eyes flashed: but her stout ladyship patted her hands and said: "No offence, Glo, but you re'lly mustn't they're all clergymen's daughters, doncher know?" A sharp knock came to the door, followed by the first call of the call-boy. "Half-hour, ladies."

"That feller as was took ter the awspital is dead," said somebody in the kitchen, and then there was the crinkling of a newspaper. "Is 'e?" said another. "The best thing the Father can do is to 'ook it then. Cause why? Whether 'e done it or not they'll fix it on ter 'im, doncher know!" John's head spun round and round.

They were drawing up to water the horses at the old "Cock" at Sutton, and a brown-faced woman with big silver earrings and a monster hat and feather came up to the coach to tell the "quality" their fortunes. "Oh, let us, Glo," cried Betty. "I'd love it of all things, doncher know." The gipsy had held out her hand to Glory. "Let me look at your palm, pretty lady."

It was certainly an extraordinary crowd. It had assembled almost in an instant. Scarcely had the policemen taken their places at the doors of the Cooper Union when a bulky, variegated young man stepped up to one of them. "Hello!" he said. "Hello, Meejor," responded the officer. "When'll yer open de door?" "Air ye wantin' t' git in, Meejor?" "Doncher know I got a gang to-night?"

"It was a bit dangerous, doncher know, but, blow me tight, if I wouldn't do it again to get a beauty like that," holding up the large one he had shown me when he was gathering them. "You bleedin' idiot," I said, "don't you know a mushroom when you see it? That's a toadstool! I passed it up."

In about ten minutes, in walks the English dude, and when he seen the cook eatin' away, he rares back and says, haughty-like 'Bless me soul, I cawn't eat with me servants, doncher know. Flour Sack never bats an eye, but says, with his mouth full 'Take a cheer, he says, 'an' wait until I git through."