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Again the moaning sound, and then the eyes opened, but closed almost immediately. "Poor dear soul," whispered Peggy, "how he suffers in surviving. Lift him up a little. Softly. Don't be afeard. We're only your good angels, like only poor cinder-sifters don'tee be afeard."

"Why, Ching," I said, "you here?" "Yes; velly hot down below, no sleepee sleepee. Come on deck, nicee cool. You have fightee morrow?" "I hope so," I said; but asked myself the next moment whether I really did hope so. "Velly bad fightee, bad pilates come, and captain killee whole lot. Allee velly bad man, killee evelybody." "Do you think they will come out of hiding?" "Ching don'tee know.

"Velly nice beautiful place; ought to come here last night." "Yes, capital. We can hide here; and once inside, if we had arms, we could keep the wretches at a distance." "Don'tee want fight now," said Ching, quietly. "No swold, no shoot gun, no jolly sailor boy. Wantee eat and dlink." "Yes; let's get poor Jecks here at once." "You go fetch him; tly to walkee now: Ching go fetch eat, dlink."

"'P'raps, says I, 'but you won't be in condition to spend it for some time. He rolled his eye off'n me, and at that instant Mary Ann, the faithfullest gun that ever stood between me and a gentleman whose intentions weren't good, appeared upon the scene. "'Don'tee shootee, Sclaggsee! he screeches.

"So they are," said Barkins. "But I say, Ching, are you a good sailor?" The Chinaman shook his head. "Ching velly good man, keep fancee shop. Ching not sailor." "He means, can you go to sea without being sick?" I said, laughing. He gave us a comical look. "Don'tee know. Velly nicee now. Big offlicer say jolly sailor take gleat care Ching, and give hammock go to sleep.

"Allee going 'way?" "No," I replied, with my lips to his ear; "they are carrying up boards and pieces of the wreck and sails, and making themselves a shelter. They are going to stay." Ching drew his breath with a low hiss, and was silent for a few minutes. Then, quite cheerfully, he whispered "Velly bad job. Don'tee want bad wicked pilate here. Nevy mind: come, eat blisket, dlink watee.

"Ching hear; Ching don'tee know; not velly far," was the unsatisfactory reply. "I'm afraid we've come on a cock-and-bull hunt," said the boatswain, looking to right and left as he stood up in the boat, for the creek now grew so narrow that the men had to lay in their oars, and the coxswain also stood up and drew the boat onward by hooking the overhanging boughs.

And Simeon Rowe shall put on a man in plain clothes, to watch for him when I'm away." "Oh, Mo, don'tee say that! It was only his make-believe to frighten me. Anyone could tell that only to see him flourishin' out his knife." "Hay what's that? his knife? You never told me o' that." "Why, Mo, don't ye see, I only took it for bounce." "What was it about his knife?" "Just this, Mo dear!