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But when he and a dozen others had made the desperate descent of the zigzag, they found that the dead man was Domecq. Even the miners had no love for this arch-troubler, and, in trying to avoid Don Ferdinando, the sight of whom, coming down the track, had warned him of danger, Domecq had done the mine the best turn possible. Toro's own warning was of course much too late.

It was a ticklish zigzag, just to the left of the transporting machinery, with twenty places in which a slip would mean death. Domecq was working down below, lading the stuff into bullock-carts. Alfred Cayley disappeared into one of the upper galleries, to see how they were panning out.

There'll not be a man here to-morrow; Saint Gavino will have all their time and money." "You don't expect any active mischief, I hope?" suggested Don Ferdinando. The foreman thought not. He had heard no word of any. "Very well, then. I'll settle Domecq straight off," said Don Ferdinando. He returned to the house and pocketed his revolver.

During some two years, he worked as a clerk in the house of Sir William Gordon, Murphy and Co., where he made friends, and laid the foundation of his prosperity; for along with him at the office there was a Mr. Peter Domecq, owner of the Spanish vineyards of Macharnudo, learning the commercial part of his business in London, the headquarters of the sherry trade.

Domecq, thanks in great measure to his partner's energy and talents, was prosperous and wealthy, and moved in the enchanted circles of Parisian society. To a romantic schoolboy in a London suburb the apparition was dazzling.

He admired his fellow-clerk's capacity so much as to offer him the London agency of his family business. Mr. MacTaggart found the capital in consideration of their taking his relative, Mr. Telford, into the concern. And so they entered into partnership, about 1809, as Ruskin, Telford and Domecq: Domecq contributing the sherry, Mr. Henry Telford the capital, and Ruskin the brains.

But when he was some yards down, he beckoned to Jim, who quickly joined him. They conferred on the edge of a ghastly precipice. "I'm off down to tell Domecq that it's going to be done at two-thirty prompt," said Toro. "What's going to be d done?" asked Jimmy. "What I told you about. They've cut the 'phone down to the 'llano' as a start. But that's nothing.

Domecq on their way back through Paris, and not wholly lose the time. They waited to keep papa's birthday on May 10, and early next morning drove off father and mother, John and Mary, Nurse Anne, and the courier Salvador.

And I gather that, apart from this mysterious sulking of late, he had always been considerate and generous. 'You were saying that she refused to have it out with him. 'She did, replied Mr. Cupples. 'And I knew by experience that it was quite useless to attempt to move a Domecq where the sense of dignity was involved.

"Her father, John Peter Domecq, was my wife's brother. I never mentioned my niece or her marriage to you before, I suppose. To tell the truth, it has always been a painful subject to me, and I have avoided discussing it with anybody. To return to what I was about to say: last night, when I was over at the house by the way, you can see it from here. You passed it in the car."