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And thou wert the meekest man, and the gentlest, that ever ate in hall among ladies. And thou wert the sternest knight to thy mortal foe that ever put spear in the rest." Then there was weeping and dolor out of measure. Thus they kept Sir Launcelot's corpse fifteen days, and then they buried it with great devotion. Then they went back with the hermit to his hermitage.

The abatement of sixpence in the price of admission to the pit, and the dismissal of an unfortunate servant, whose only fault was too much zeal in the service of his employers, such were the grand victories of the O. P.'s. THE THUGS, or PHANSIGARS. Orribili favelle parole di dolor.

Was he not going to see the king his uncle, who had succeeded his father and dethroned himself; had stepped into all the pleasant things that he, Prince Dolor, ought to have had, and shut him up in a desolate tower? What was he like, this great, bad, clever man? Had he got all the things he wanted, which another ought to have had? And did he enjoy them?

"Nay, that were too strong a touch for Jacques. Lighter lighter." Then, after a moment of thought: "Ay ay!" he chuckled. "'Sighing like furnace' poor Fenton! How like a very furnace in his dolor! Yet did he justice to the Canary. So so! To go back now: "Unwillingly to school. And then the lover, Sighing like furnace with a woful ballad Made to his mistress' eyebrow."

"Be called by a new name which nobody has ever thought of. Be Prince Dolor, in memory of your mother Dolorez." "In memory of!" Everybody started at the ominous phrase, and also at a most terrible breach of etiquette which the old woman had committed. In Nomansland, neither the king nor the queen was supposed to have any Christian name at all.

The old negress turned back to the kitchen. "Huh, boy! you been fotch up on lef'-overs," she said, and disappeared through the door. Peter walked to the gate, let himself out, and started off on his constitutional. His tiff with his mother renewed all his nervousness and sense of failure. His litany of mistakes renewed their dolor in his mind.

He had fallen ill on the road and died within a few hours; at least so declared the physician in attendance and the nurse who had been sent to take care of him. They brought his coffin back in great state, and buried it in the mausoleum with his parents. So Prince Dolor was seen no more. The country went into deep mourning for him, and then forgot him, and his uncle reigned in his stead.

He sang many comic songs to cheer us up during that night of dolor, filling the intervals between the ditties with anathemas against his South African luck and realistic stories of his Australian experiences. He had lived, he told us, for several years by earning pennies in the Melbourne streets.

As for the canary, it never failed to respond, by an astonished chirp, to every "Gracious me!" and "Lord save us!" which the delve into a rut, or the bump out of it, sent forth from Mrs. Primmins's lips, with all the emphatic dolor of the "Ai, ai!" in a Greek chorus. But my father, with his broad hat over his brows, was in deep thought.

Regaining his courage at once, without a moment's delay he lifted up his head and began searching for the bolt the cloak meanwhile remaining perfectly still, balanced in the air. But the minute the window was opened, out it sailed right out into the clear, fresh air, with nothing between it and the cloudless blue. Prince Dolor had never felt any such delicious sensation before.