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She had grown an inch, and could walk and say, "mamma," and "how do?" She was changed a good deal, but Betsey knew her at once. "It's my doll-baby!" she cried, and snatched her up and kissed her. But neither Aunt Hannah nor Betsey ever knew that the quilt and the doll were Jimmy Scarecrow's Christmas presents to them.

I'm e'en a'most struck dumb with astonishment to hear you think of such things. Go, get your doll-baby, or your sampler, and look on that. Saints of Mercy!

They went up Broadway, and from a group of people coming out of another stage-entrance a young girl came to join them an airy little creature with the face of a doll-baby, and a big hat with a purple feather on top. This was "Toodles" otherwise known as Helen Gwynne; and she took Montague's arm, and they fell in behind Oliver and his companion.

"Ah there you are mistaken, my child," Grandma Elsie answered with her own sweet smile, "for I had a most enjoyable day in spite of the injury that kept me a prisoner in my room; my father brought me a beautiful doll-baby, quite as large as some live ones that I have seen, and a quantity of pretty things to be used in its adornment.

"If someone would fill your stockings with milk and bread and " "I want a turkey," said the oldest girl. "And cranberry sauce," added the boy. "I want a doll-baby in mine," said the littlest girl. The mother hid her face and groaned aloud. "You ain't sick, are you, Mommy?" "I guess so. Come, you'd better say your prayers and go to bed.

Her laugh was like the accidental tinkle of sleighbells in mid-summer, vaguely disquieting, a shiver of frost across the face of a lily. "Save you from what, you great big overgrown, tow-headed doll-baby?" she questioned blandly. "For Heaven's sake, the only thing you need is to go back to whatever toy-shop you came from and get a new head. What in Creation's the matter with you lately, anyway?

He never teases nor frets, and he won't be homesick," his mother had told his grandmother. "I know all about that," Grandma Stockton had replied. "I'd just as soon take him as a doll-baby." Willy Norton really was a very sweet boy. He proved it this morning by standing there so patiently and never singing out, "Ain't you most ready, Grandma?" although it did seem to him she never would be.

She was positively the oddest little piece of humanity Nan had ever met. Once Nan asked her if she had a doll. "Doll?" snarled Margaret with surprising energy. "A'nt Matildy give me one once't an' I throwed it as far as I could inter the river, so I did! Nasty thing! Its face was all painted and rough." Nan could only gasp. Drown a doll-baby!

The picture showed a million-dollar-a-year girl doll-baby in her habitual role, a poor little child-waif dressed in the newest fashion and with a row of ringlets just out of a band-box, sharing those terrible fates which the poor take as an everyday affair, and being rewarded at the end by the love of a rich and noble and devoted youth who solves the social problem by setting her up in a palace.

Dotty had given Mandoline an old needle-book; but it had been in return for some maple sugar, which the little Jewess had pilfered from her father's store. "Dotty Dimple, is it?" said Mrs. Rosenberg, with a sharp look at the little guest. "I don't know now any better than I did before. That's a name for a doll-baby; I should say." "Alice Parlin, mother." "Is it?