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Perhaps a bone is broken or some beast has bitten him. He lies in a hut such as Kaffirs make, only this hut has a verandah round it like your stoep, and there are drawings on the wall. The hut is a long way off, I don't know where." "Is that all?" I asked, for he paused. "No, not all. Dogeetah is recovering. He will join us in that country whither we journey, at a time of trouble.

This reputation, coupled with his medical skill, enabled him to travel wherever he would without the slightest fear of molestation, since the Kaffirs look upon the mad as inspired by God. Their name for him was "Dogeetah," a ludicrous corruption of the English word "doctor," whereas white folk called him indifferently "Brother John," "Uncle Jonathan," or "Saint John."

"Well, you little sneak, what of it?" "Only, Baas, that if we do not want to be killed in this place from which there is no escape, it is necessary that you should find out exactly on what day and at what hour Dogeetah is going to arrive."

Then by a happy thought I reminded him that, according to his Snake, Dogeetah was coming, and that therefore all would be well. So he submitted with an ill grace, and we saw our precious guns borne off we knew not where.

"Oh! blind one," I answered, "how do I know that Mavovo's story about Dogeetah was not all nonsense?" Hans stared at me amazed. "Mavovo's story nonsense! Mavovo's Snake a liar! Oh! Baas, that is what comes of being too much a Christian. Now, thanks to your father the Predikant, I am a Christian too, but not so much that I have forgotten how to know good magic from bad.

"And how far was the town from this harbour?" "Quite close, Macumazana." Now Brother John asked a question. "Did you hear anything about the land beyond the water by the cave?" "Yes, Dogeetah.

Kransick!" which means "ill in the skull," or "mad," exclaimed Hans to the others as he tapped his forehead significantly. "They have caught it from Dogeetah, one who lives on insects which he entangles in a net, and carries no gun to kill game. Well, I knew they would." The hunters nodded in assent, and Sammy lifted his arms to Heaven as though in prayer. Only Mavovo seemed indifferent.

"Oh!" replied Komba, who evidently was not yet quite himself, "that is where the white lord Dogeetah, Bausi's blood-brother, set his little canvas house when he was here over twelve moons ago." "Really!" I exclaimed, "he never told me he was here." "One of our people who was fishing in the reeds saw him." "Oh! that explains it, Komba.

Whereon Mavovo said, or seemed to say: "Ah! at last you touch the truth, O Macumazana, my father. All things are a shadow and we are shadows in a shadow. But what throws the shadow, O Macumazana, my father? Why does Dogeetah appear to come hither riding on a white ox and why do all these thousands think that my Snake stands so very stiff upon its tail?"

As it is, the knife only touched my skin without breaking it, for Dogeetah has looked to see." Mavovo waved his hand as though to sweep this little matter aside, and asked, looking me straight in the eyes: "And what other words, Macumazana? As to my Snake I mean." "Only that you were right and I was wrong," I answered shamefacedly.