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"As fuel is so scarce we have had to resort to melting ice for drinking-water in tins against our bodies, and we treat the tins of dog- pemmican for breakfast similarly by keeping them in our sleeping-bags all night. We had some of the dog-meat cooked, and it was not at all bad just like beef, but, of course, very tough."

I hear that you danced where they danced, and shared dog-meat and jest alike. In faith, Montlivet, I have a good will to keep you here in irons if I can do it in no gentler way. But what did Longuant say at the council fire?" I made sure that we were alone, and dropped into a chair. My muscles were complaining, yet I knew that I had but begun my day's work.

He paused for her to complete the sentence. "... Must camp here till it abates...." "Have you got that?" Lloyd nodded. "... Made soup of the last of the dog-meat this afternoon.... Our last pemmican gone."

I have no doubt that your stomachs revolt at the very idea of eating dog; but I cannot see that it is any worse than eating pork and fowls, which feed more or less on animal food. However, I do not hanker after dog-meat.

Hominy, fish, buffalo, and dog-meat, were successively served up, like the courses of a more modern table; but of the last "we declined to partake," writes the good father, no doubt much to the astonishment and somewhat to the chagrin of their hospitable friends; for even yet, among the western Indians, dog-meat is a dish of honor.

George thrust a cold face within an inch of the other's and grimly said: "If they hadn't stopped me, I'd beat you into dog-meat this morning, and if you don't quit this snivelling I'll do it yet. Now get in there and paddle to beat or you'll never make it back. Quick!"

There will be double rations to-night all round no half-rations, quarter-rations.... No, three-fifths of an ounce of dog-meat and a spoonful of alcohol that's all; that's all, men. Pretty cold night, this minus thirty-eight. Only a quarter of a mile covered to-day. Everybody suffering in their feet, and so weak and starving and freezing." All at once the voice became a wail.

He spends most of his time in that little cove down there; but I've noticed that whenever a dog barks, close to the river or when he is crossing on the ferry, the old 'gator paddles out a little way from the cove, and looks very wishfully in that direction. I know alligators are more fond of dog-meat than anything else, but they won't refuse fish when nothing better offers. Now look here."

But as soon as the last guest had smoked, the dog-meat, floating in rich gravy, was brought from the steaming kettles and handed around in wooden bowls among the guests. All ate their fill. Then silently, they got up and went away. They had smoked and eaten the sacrifice together. Surely, they thought, there could be no better token of their friendship for each other.

Cadillac had listened nodding, and his reply was ready. "Tell him that they must bring the prisoner to-morrow early, soon after daybreak. Tell him that Monsieur de la Mothe-Cadillac knows his part, and that the kettles shall be full of dog-meat, and the young men painted and ready for the dancing."