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Also, the Age of Reason, which, on the testimony of uncut leaves, had not been read. And there was a worn, dog-eared Bible. Raven had never wanted to appropriate the books so far as to set them with his own on the shelves. They seemed to him, through their isolation, to keep something of the identity of Old Crow. He believed Old Crow would like this.

I rose and went there, and found my old school-books, those I used when I was in Public School Number Three, too near thirty years ago! In the shelf one book stood higher than the others tall and thin and ragged, its covers torn, its pages scribbled, stained and dog-eared. Looking through that old physical geography was like a first talk with a long-lost friend. It had, indeed, been my old friend.

You get starry-eyed every time you start talking about the hyperdrive!" Alan opened the book to a dog-eared page. "I know it can be done eventually. I'm sure of it. I'm even sure Cavour himself actually succeeded in building a hyperspace vessel." "Sure," Rat said drily, switching his long tail from side to side. "Sure he built one. That explains his strange disappearance.

Had he not been immersed in the unexpected proposition of her impending matrimony, he might have been impressed, for the spell of her beauty counted something, and besides, he had recently formulated for himself a code of ethics, tinctured with Omar, and slightly resembling her own discoveries in that dog-eared science.

The pages were of coarse paper, lined blue and red, and they were dog-eared and smirched as though they had been constantly turned over and used. The earlier entries were little more than a record of work to do or done. "Jan. 11. To call at Café di Roma, 12.30. Beppo will meet me. "Jan. 13. Traced M. L. Last employed as a model at S.'s studio, Palazzo B. "Jan. 15.

Chief among the waverers were those who had come to America with visions of a fortune, who had practised a repulsive thrift in order to acquire real estate, who carried in their pockets dog-eared bank books recording payments already made.

And then, with her frail hands clasped on the locket at her throat, Miss Asenath fell to dreaming. Arethusa gathered up her woolly rug and a dog-eared copy of "Jane Eyre," which would have known almost instant confiscation if Miss Eliza had glimpsed it in her possession, and proceeded to go down to the woodland. It was an afternoon in early May, and unseasonably hot.

"I want to give her a book to read." "Ah, indeed. Where is it? Let me see it." Jean took from the breast of his loose jerkin a small volume, dog-eared and mildewed, and handed it to Hamilton. Meantime he stood first on one foot, then the other, gnawing his thumb-nail and blinking rapidly. "Well, Helm, just look here!" "What?" "Manon Lescaut." "And what's that?" "Haven't you ever read it?"

Some big boy brings to school a copy of the Arabian Nights, a dog-eared copy, with cover, title-page, and the last leaves missing, which is passed around, and slyly read under the desk, and perhaps comes to the little boy whose parents disapprove of novel-reading, and have no work of fiction in the house except a pious fraud called "Six Months in a Convent," and the latest comic almanac.

He banged his gavel down. Jake picked up two ragged and dog-eared volumes from his table. "Case of Harding vs. Southport, 2043, establishes that a Lobby is responsible for any member on Mars. It is also responsible for informing the authorities of any criminal conduct on the part of its members or any former member known to it.