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"And one is carrying such a funny stick, with a big hand at the top of it." "And the other one has just put on a hideous black mask, and has a curious kind of pole with a sort of scythe at the end," chimed in Dick. "What!" screamed the Dodo, "a black mask! Then it's the Lord High Executioner, and the other is the Court Glover. Oh dear! oh dear! what will become of me?

"But that was some time ago," argued Dick, "and as we are traveling very rapidly they must be some miles down the line by this time." "Rubbish!" exclaimed the Dodo, "you are only making matters worse by your lame excuses. I always had my suspicions that you were a greedy lot, like all the rest of the human creatures." "Ahem!" coughed the Doctor, looking pained.

She had never felt anything like this triumphant power of indignation in the struggle of her married life, in which there had always been a quickly subduing pang; and she took it as a sign of new strength. "Dodo, how very bright your eyes are!" said Celia, when Sir James was gone out of the room. "And you don't see anything you look at, Arthur or anything.

Does he ever receive a letter, or take a ride upon the railway, or see anything but the Dodo? Perhaps he has seen the Berlin Wool. He appears to have a silent sorrow on him, and it may be that.

Also 5 May the patron of another ship which lay in the sea five miles from Venice, desired us all pilgrims that we would come and see his ship. And the same day we all went with him; and there he provided for us a marvellous good dinner, where we had all manner of good victuals and wine. Ultimately, Torkington sailed in a new ship of 800 tons, under a patron named Thomas Dodo.

One had given him money; and one had given him what he wanted far more, a kind word, kindly spoken. Dodo had been only a few months away from his mother. His master had bought him at a slave warehouse, for his handsome face, to be a match to the handsome pony; and he was now getting his breaking in, at the hands of his young master.

There are such a lot of girls always in the court on Sunday." "I only wish I could do more for you, Dodo," answered Molly, as the two young people hastened across the campus. "I guess you know as much about the old boy's office as I do, Miss Molly," said Dodo opening the study door. "I'm glad you came along to help me find what I am looking for." "What are you looking for?"

"Wake him up again, will you, please?" she said, turning to the Dodo. "Perhaps he will tell us." "All right," said the Dodo, "I'll wake him up. Here!" he cried, going up to the sloth-bear, and giving him a good shake. "Wake up! Wake up!" The creature slowly lifted his head, and, staring reproachfully at the Dodo, began to cry. "Boo hoo hoo! Boo hoo hoo!" he sobbed. "It's a shame, it is."

"Yes," said Dick, "there are a few houses by the side of the sea about two miles to the left; do you think you could manage to fly as far as that?" The Dodo smiled in a sickly sort of way. "I'm a little out of practise," he faltered. "Well, do you think that if we each took hold of one of your ahem wings, we could get along that way?" "You wouldn't crush my gloves?" asked the Dodo, anxiously.

It belonged to the giants who dwelt upon the earth perhaps twenty thousand years ago, in the period of the mammoth and the dodo. A couple of hundred miles further north will bring us to Wellington, the national capital.