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He told me that the creature cried and pleaded for forgiveness, and promised amendment for the future. And Mr. Knapp believed him. Yet that very night you were assailed with Luella in Chinatown." The truth flashed on me. The groans and cries behind the locked door in Doddridge Knapp's office, the voices which were like to one man pleading and arguing with himself, were all explained.

Doddridge, the celebrated theologian, was overheard asking the dog if he knew who made him. Receiving no reply, she said what you will find written there as the text of the poem." He put a paper in her hand, and left her. She opened it, and found what follows: "What! you Dr. Doddridge's dog, and not know who made you!" My little dog, who blessed you With such white toothy-pegs?

Dark as was the general view which Doddridge, in his sermon on the Lisbon Earthquake, took of the sins and corruption of the age, freedom from religious oppression he considered to be the one most redeeming feature of it.

Upon some buck horns over the door was always placed the rifle, ever loaded and ready for use. A very intelligent emigrant, Dr. Doddridge, gives the following graphic account of his experience in such a log-cabin as we have described, in the remote wilderness.

Doddridge, long the cashier and manager of the Bank at Charleston, whose family was an old and well-known one, was an outspoken Unionist, and in the next year, when the war put an end for the time to banking in the valley, he became a paymaster in the National army. Colonel Benjamin F. Smith was a noteworthy character also.

"To tell you the truth," he said, "it was the doing of the women folks." My heart gave a leap at the announcement, for it carried a great deal more with it than Doddridge Knapp knew. "I am a thousand times obliged to you and the ladies," I said. "Well, I wasn't unwilling," he said indulgently. "In fact, I intended to do something handsome for you. But there's one condition I must make."

"Well, then, go," he growled; "and see that you come with a clear head on Monday. Keep your thirst until after the game is over." A few hours later I was at the house of the Wolf, but I forgot to ask for Doddridge Knapp. Luella received me with apparent indifference that contrasted sharply with her parting, and I was piqued. Mrs.

"Doddridge Watts Weaver," said the boy, in a loud tone. There was a titter all over the room. The name was very odd, and an oddity is always to be laughed at by the average person, boy or man.

Here too I found large quotations from Howe's LIVING TEMPLE, an argument for the existence of God drawn from the wonderful structure of the human body, and considerable portions of Paley's work on NATURAL THEOLOGY. About the same time I read the Lectures of Doddridge, which gave me a more comprehensive view than either Grotius or Watson, both of the evidences of the existence of God, and those of the truth of Christianity.

Pearson and Bull, Lake and Kettlewell, Bentley, Fleetwood, Worthington, Sherlock, Steele and Addison, Bunyan and Doddridge theologians and scholars, Broad Churchmen and Nonjurors, preachers and essayists, Churchmen and Nonconformists expressed themselves far more unreservedly than is at all usual in our age, even among those who, in theory, interpret Scripture in the same sense.