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Leave me to arrange it," she answered. "You're not going to treat any one, but I want people to call you Doctor and me Doctora, see?"

Capitan Tiago, followed by Aunt Isabel, ran down the steps to welcome the new arrivals: the Doctor Don Tiburcio de Espadaña, his señora the Doctora Doña Victorina de los Reyes de De Espadaña, and a young Spaniard of pleasant countenance and agreeable aspect.

Little by little the party resumed its former tranquillity. Other guests had come in, among them a lame old Spaniard of mild and inoffensive aspect leaning on the arm of an elderly Filipina, who was resplendent in frizzes and paint and a European gown. The group welcomed them heartily, and Doctor De Espadaña and his señora, the Doctora Doña Victorina, took their seats among our acquaintances.

It occurred to her that her husband ought to be a Doctor of Medicine and Surgery, and so she expressed herself to him. "Daughter! Do you want them to arrest me?" he said, frightened. "Don't be a fool. Let me arrange it!" she replied. "You are not going to attend any one, but I want them to call you a doctor and me a doctora, eh?"

They were the doctor, Don Tiburcio de Espadaña, his wife, Doctora Doña Victorina de los Reyes de de Espadaña; and a young Spaniard. The latter had a sympathetic face and a pleasing appearance. The doctora wore a silk gown, embroidered with flowers, and on her hat, a large parrot half crushed among trimmings of red and blue ribbons.