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Eccl. ix. 1: "Nescit homo utrum amore an odio dignus sit." See St. John of the Cross, Mount Carmel, bk. iii. ch. xxxiv. The sections 6, 7, and 8 are the thirteenth letter of the second volume, ed. Doblado. See Relation iii. section 13.

The British envoy there upon lowered his flag and retired Jalapa. Bibesco, loc. cit., p. 64. On February 19 the preliminary treaty of La Soledad was signed by the allies and by Senor Doblado for the Mexican government, and on February 23 it was ratified by President Juarez.

Fra Anton. a Sancto Joseph, in his notes on this Relation, usually published among the letters of the Saint, ed. Doblado, vol. ii. letter 11, says it was written for St.

The letter is numbered 82 in the edition of Don Vicente, and 23 in the fourth volume of the edition of Doblado. 1 St. Peter iv. 13: "Communicantes Christi passionibus, gaudete." See section 4, above. The monastery of Paterna, of the unreformed Carmelites. St. Matt. xvi. 16: "Tu es Christus, Filius Dei vivi." Gen. i. 26: "Ad imaginem et similitudinem Nostram." Fra Jerome Gratian.

The monastery of the Incarnation, Avila. 2 Cor. xii. 9: "Virtus in infirmitate perficitur." See Way of Perfection, ch. xxii.; but ch. xiii. ed. Doblado. See Foundations, ch. I, section 1. St. Matt. xix. 29: "Et omnis qui reliquerit domum . . . propter nomen Meum, centuplum accipiet, et vitam aeternam possidebit."

Having done this, he took the field, concentrated his army from the various distant points where the different corps had been ordered in view of the campaign which he was preparing, and within six weeks defeated, by rapid and well-concerted blows, Generals Doblado, Negrete, Comonfort, and Uraga, who at that time, thanks to General Forey's procrastination, were holding the country with. the rallied forces of the Liberal party.

He requested a conference with Senor Doblado, minister of foreign affairs, who with great shrewdness accepted the invitation. By prolonging the negotiations, the Mexican government gave a chance to the unfavorable conditions under which the expedition labored to do their very worst. Every day lost was a gain to the Mexicans.