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" Possible que vous ne le voyiez pas, dit Smiley, possible que vous vous entendiez en grenouilles, possible que vous ne vous y entendez point, possible que vous avez de l'experience, et possible que vous ne soyez qu'un amateur. De toute maniere, je parie quarante dollars qu'elle battra en sautant n'importe quelle grenouille du comte de Calaveras.

Outside, they could hear the Sunday organs, distant shouts on the river, and nearer at hand, in the garden, Madame Dobson's amorous, languishing voice, sighing: "On dit que tu te maries; Tu sais que j'en puis mouri-i-i-r!" "Yes, Frantz, I have always loved you," said Sidonie.

But with whatever we may choose to plant the portion of our life and our thought which is our own, and whatsoever its natural fertility and aspect, this much is certain, that it needs digging, watering, planting, and perhaps most of all, weeding. "Cela est bien dit," répondit Candide, "mais il faut cultiver notre jardin." He was, as you will recollect, answering Dr. Pangloss.

In the original, "Font chatoyer les mots." "Et quelquefois les morts," dit Monsieur de Clagny. "Ah! Literally: "And sometimes the dead." "What can he mean?" asked Madame de Clagny, puzzled by this vile pun. "I seem to be walking in the dark," replied the Mayoress. "The jest would be lost in an explanation," remarked Gatien.

Je sais bien que, dans le langage ordinaire, on dit fort comme un Turc; cependant j'ai vu une infinité de chrétiens qui, dans les choses il faut de la force, l'emportoient sur eux; et moi-même, qui ne suis pas des plus robustes, j'en ai trouvé, lorsque les circonstances exigeoient quelque travail, de plus foibles que moi encore.

But there was a letter written by a German farmer recently moved from Minnesota to Saskatchewan: Dear sor, as you haf bin treading mee for a fue Weaks dis Somer and seen wat is rong wit mee so in Regarding to dat i wont to tank you. the Doctor heir say wat shot bee rong wit mee and day give mee som Madsin but it diten halp mee like wat you dit.

"To find Bonhomme Le Brun, who superintends the boating interest. 'Bonhomme' 'Good Man' is a kind of jocular name we give to every simple old fellow. 'Le Brun' is not quite correct either. His real name or rather the only one extant among the noms-de-guerre of his predecessors, is Vadeboncoeur 'Go willingly, which the Notaries I suppose would write 'Vadeboncoeur dit Le Brun."

There was a note of warning in his voice the cause of which Esther perceived when a moment later the couple were joined by a plump Frenchwoman with hennaed hair and a burnt-orange make-up. "Comment ça va, Thérèse? Ah, Captain, on me dit que vous avez l'intention de nous quitter. C'est vrai?" What ensued was lost in a cackle of French interspersed with high-pitched laughter.

"'Selfish purpose' is, in your own convenient idiom, bientôt dit," Peter promptly answered. "I suppose you consider that if I truly esteemed you I should be ashamed to deprive the world of the light of your genius. Perhaps my esteem isn't of the right quality there are different kinds, aren't there? At any rate I've explained to you that I propose to deprive the world of nothing at all.

Oui, chère Ellen Terry; ce que j'ai donné vous appartient; ce que j'ai dit, je le peux encore, et je vous aime et admire comme toujours.... "J'espère que vous accepterez cette ancienne lettre que j'ai rendue plus claire et un peu mieux écrite. Vous en serez contente avec moi car, ainsi faisant, j'ai eu le moyen de vous dire que je vous aime et de vous le dire deux fois. "A vous de coeur,