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Breuse was unhorsed, and lay motionless, pretending to be dead; but when the stranger knight left him to attend to the distressed damsels, he mounted his horse, and made his escape. The knight now approached Isoude, gently raised her head, drew aside the golden hair which covered her countenance, gazed thereon for an instant, uttered a cry, and fell back insensible.

I hoped it was only for argument's sake," returned Miss Meredith. She did not raise her eyes from her work this time. Faber saw that she was distressed if not hurt, and that her soul had closed its lips to him. He sprang to his feet, and stood bending before her. "Miss Meredith," he said, "forgive me. I have offended you." "You have not offended me," she said quietly.

They were deeply distressed, and each tried in turn "Comrade," or "Brother," or "Fellow-worker," or whatever term they used "is it I?" Presently the sturdy looking fellow named Hamby, who called himself a pacifist, asked, "Is it I?" And Carpenter answered, quietly, "You have said it."

No, I must say that much, Noddy. You are always the best of men. She made the declaration as if he were objecting to it: which assuredly he was not in any way. 'And as to you, my dear Bella, said Mrs Boffin, still with that distressed expression, 'he is so much attached to you, whatever he says, that your own father has not a truer interest in you and can hardly like you better than he does.

The other letter was from Windebank, in which he briefly asked Mavis if she would honour him by becoming his wife. Mavis was much distressed. His mere presence radiated an atmosphere of protection. It offered a welcome harbourage after the many bufferings she had suffered upon storm-tossed seas. If she could have gone to him as she had to Perigal, she would not have hesitated a moment.

But as he now recognized in Gotzkowsky's features the signs of an anger which was the more violent for the very reason that he so seldom gave way to it, he felt the necessity of coming to the assistance of his distressed sister. He approached her father, and laid his hand lightly on his shoulder. "Elise is right," said he, entreatingly. "Respect her maiden hesitation."

Mary left the room almost stunned by the discovery she had made; and scarce knowing what to do, wrapped her shawl about her, and walked quickly to Mrs. Carlton's. To her she related all she had just learned, and begged her advice and assistance. Mrs. Carlton was sorely puzzled and much distressed. "I fear, Mary, it is too late to remedy the evil." "Oh, do not say so!

Sir Gawain made no reply; but, turning his eyes on his bride, what was his amazement to perceive that she wore no longer the unseemly aspect that had so distressed him.

Then he flung himself all dressed upon his bed. "And my faith," said René, when he sought his wife a moment later, "he was fast asleep before I had closed the door." Madeleine had appeared greatly distressed at the thought that, through her, her sister was now in so doubtful and precarious a situation.

And yet," and again his brows went up, "and yet, when I hear that name, and when you try to win me over to that woman, or if you should even go so far as to assail my ears with her praises then, much as it would grieve me, I would go back again to the place where I came from." "Why, Horapollo, what are you saying?" cried Joanna, much distressed.