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And if the prelates or any of them be remiss in the denunciation of the said sentences, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York for the time being, as is fitting, shall compel and distrain them to make that denunciation in form aforesaid.

Whoever burns the property of another shall no longer be regarded as a countryman, and whoever shelters him shall make good the damage done. Whoever injures another, or robs him, and hath property in our country, shall make satisfaction out of the same. No one shall distrain a debtor without a judge, nor any one who is not his debtor, or the surety for such debtor.

During the greater part of the reign of Elizabeth, the means relied upon for the propagation of the reformed doctrines were more exclusively those of force and coercion than even in the time of Edward VI. Thus, when Sir William Drury was Deputy, in 1578, he bound several citizens of Kilkenny, under a penalty of 40 pounds each, to attend the English Church service, and authorized the Anglican Bishop "to make a rate for the repair of the Church, and to distrain for the payment of it" the first mention of Church rates we remember to have met with.

For the emperors making use of them in their armies, as the French do at this day of the Switz, gave them that under the notion of a stipend, which they received as tribute, coming, if there were any default in the payment, so often to distrain for it, that in the time of Honorius they sacked Rome, and possessed themselves of Italy.

"I want to tell you, I must hand over that rent of Fowler's to the Squire, or else tell him I gave it you; for he's threatening to distrain for it, and it'll all be out soon, whether I tell him or not. He said, just now, before he went out, he should send word to Cox to distrain, if Fowler didn't come and pay up his arrears this week.

Distraint was imminent, and bankruptcy threatened. Well, let them distrain then! The father-in-law arrived with a large travelling coach to fetch his daughter and grand-child. He warned his son-in-law not to show his face at his house until he could pay his debts and make a home for his wife and child.

He declared, that he had given no directions to distrain; and that the bailiff must have done it by his own authority. 'If that be the case, said the young squire, 'let the inhuman rascal be turned out of our service. "Well, gemmen, all the children were immediately clothed and fed, and the poor widow had well-nigh run distracted with joy.

No end of details and of incident might be given, but no substantial increase could be made to the information, given in this and my preceding letter. The tenants say that the landlord perversely refuses the reductions allowed in better times, and the landlord says that as a practical farmer he believes that those upon whom he has distrained or attempted to distrain are able to pay in full.

Woodward, and showing that his salary had been paid in full. If the receipt was not forthcoming at the appointed time, the secretary of the colony was empowered to issue, upon application, a warrant to distrain all or any unpaid portion of the minister's salary from the constables, and, also, any additional costs.

And if the same prelates, or any of them, be remiss in the denunciation of the said sentences, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York-, for the time being, shall compel and distrain them to make the denunciation in the form aforesaid." Statutes of the Realm, vol. l, p. 123.