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It is all that remains of former days. It seems as though we could not exist if we did not have it. It is old and distingue, is it not? I seem to breathe an air here that has not changed since I was young. My wife and I pass all our afternoons here, but I come in the morning because I get up early."

His French valet is in attendance shaving him, and dressing his hair, and communicating what little intelligence he has been enabled to collect for his master's amusement. "Monsieur has not seen the young officer who was wounded?" "No; I wonder why they brought him up here. What sort of a person is he?" "C'est un joli garcon, Monsieur, avec l'air bien distingue.

The woman who makes her corsets and my mamma's told us so. She brought us one of her corsets to look at, a love of a corset, in brocatelle, all over many-colored flowers. That material is much more 'distingue' than the old satin " "But what a queer idea it is to waste all that upon a thing that nobody will ever look at," said Dolly, her round eyes opening wider than before.

J'espere que cette retraite n'est pas trop ridicule. Un bon general, dit-on, se distingue tout autant dans la retraite que dans l'avance; et comme par le fait il y a manque de vivres puisque je ne peux pas manger il me semble que la prudence conseille ce que les Americains appelaient 'un mouvement strategique' quand ils avaient ete battus." "AMIENS. Lundi matin.

Martin's Lane, Gus got a cigar, to give himself as it were a distingue air, and pulled at it all the way up the Lane, and through the alleys into Coventry Street, where Mr. Polonius's shop is, as everybody knows. The door was open, and a number of carriages full of ladies were drawing up and setting down.

He admitted telling the Lapierres that they were the heirs of five hundred million dollars, but he had himself honestly believed it. When he and the rest of them had discovered their common error they had turned upon him and were now hounding him out of revenge. The courtly General was as distingué as ever as he addressed the hard-headed jury of tradesmen before him.

Congreve, qui assurement a mis beaucoup d'humour dans ses comedies, dit, que c'est une maniere singuliere et inevitable de faire ou de dire quelque chose, qui est naturelle et propre a un homme seul, et qui distingue ses discours et ses actions des discours et des actions de tout autre.

Apropos of the complexion: I did not like that green coat you wore when I last saw you you look best in black which is a great compliment, for people must be very distingue in appearance, in order to do so.

Potiphar says, 'My husband has not the air distingue which I should be pleased to see in him, but he is quite as well as could be expected. Upon which Firkin twirls his hat in a significant way; you and I smile intelligently, dear Miss Minerva; Mrs. Green and Mrs Settum Downe exchange glances; we all understand Mrs. Potiphar and each other, and Mrs.

Under her influence the character of the court changed entirely; retaining only a semblance of its former decency, it became utterly corrupt. It possessed external elegance and distingué manners, but below this veneer lay intrigue, debauchery, and gross immorality.