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He can't bear Katharine," she continued, after a pause; "he heard her say to Florence, once, that he was distangy looking, and he never has forgiven her since. We don't either of us know just what it means, but he thinks it has something to do with his nose." Polly threw herself into a chair and burst out laughing. "Oh, Molly, Molly! What will you say next?

Ringwood at the Baron's, and they'd been to the play together; and the honorable gent, as Sam called him, had joked with him about being well to do IN A CERTAIN QUARTER; and he had had a game of billiards with the Baron, at the Estaminy, "a very distangy place, where you smoke," said Sam; "quite select, and frequented by the tip-top nobility;" and they were as thick as peas in a shell; and they were to dine that day at Ringwood's, and sup, the next night, with the Baroness.

"I know what you mean. Lady C. ain't distangy exactly, but she is very good-natured." "Oh, very," mamma said, who was herself one of the most good-natured of women. "And Sir Francis, he don't talk much before ladies; but after dinner he comes out uncommon strong, ma'am a highly agreeable, well-informed man. When will you ask them to dinner? The obedient Lady Agnes wrote the required invitation.

So I orders a bottle, as if for myself; and, 'Ma'am, says I, 'will you take a glass of Sham just one? Take it she did for you know it's quite distangy here: everybody dines at the table de hote, and everybody accepts everybody's wine.

"I know what you mean. Lady C. ain't distangy exactly, but she is very good-natured." "O very," mamma said, who was herself one of the most good-natured of women. "And Sir Francis, he don't talk much before ladies: but after dinner he comes out uncommon strong, ma'am a highly agreeable well-informed man. When will you ask them to dinner? The obedient Lady Agnes wrote the required invitation.

"Well, I thought he was; there's something, Mr. E., in gentlemen of your profession so exceeding, so uncommon distangy." "Madam, you do me proud," replied the gentleman so complimented, with great presence of mind. "Will you allow me to try my skill upon you, or upon Miss, your lovely daughter? I'm not so clever as Eglantine, but no bad hand, I assure you."

A woman in course; that's always the case with ME, you know: but oh, Tit! if you COULD but see her! Of the first family in France, the Florval-Delvals, beautiful as an angel, and no more caring for money than I do for split peas. "I'll tell you how it occurred. Everybody in France, you know, dines at the ordinary it's quite distangy to do so.

"He was probably star- gazing or he wouldn't have poked his nose into an ambush." "Right you are, brother John," Robert acknowledged, laughing. "And how handsome he has grown, Nancy," Mrs. Jack added, with an oblique glance at her husband. "He does look 'distangy'," that individual admitted. A handsome face always went through John's cuirass.

"He ain't got distangy manners, dammy," Bragg observed to his first mate; "he wouldn't do at Government House, Roper, where his Lordship and Lady William was as kind to me, and shook hands with me before the whole company, and asking me at dinner to take beer with him, before the Commander-in-Chief himself; he ain't got manners, but there's something about him " And thus Captain Bragg showed that he possessed discrimination as a man, as well as ability as a commander.

But even these revelations about herself were less humiliating than her sympathy with me, which implied that I was not fitted to be mistress of a noble house how could it be expected of me? whereas Alma was just as if she had been born to it, and therefore it was lucky for me that I had her there to show me how to do things. "Alma's gotten such ton! Such distangy manners!" she would say.