United States or Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

A fine thing if a night's dissipation could really upset a man like himself! His commanding officer was pleased at such enthusiasm; and as during the drill the deputy sergeant-major managed his horse the most troublesome of all the remounts exceedingly well, he remarked to him, "Heppner, I think I shall be able to bring you some good news at noon."

Venice had long reached and passed the culmination of her brilliant power, and had become the very palpitating centre of unchecked dissipation and of an extravagant luxury of living. All Europe came to it to be amused. It is impossible to frame with sober English words the bas-reliefs of those licentious times as they are found to-day in the popular songs of the Lagoons.

He had before heard of recklessness, of debt, of dissipation, of bad comrades. Now he heard of worse than these. If that which he now heard was true, there had been dishonour. But Sir Harry was a man who wanted ample evidence before he allowed his judgment to actuate his conduct, and in this case the evidence was far from ample.

There is certainly no sort of evidence that he engaged in the common dissipation of the town, nor gave himself up to those pleasures which a man rescued from the hardships of captivity in Tartaria might be expected to seek. Mr.

Joe knew that Tonzo had not proposed dissipation, for circus performers, particularly those who take their lives in their hands on high trapezes, cannot afford to live a riotous life, even for one night. Their nerves would be shattered for days to come, and once a performer's nerve is gone he is useless to himself and to others.

The terrible results which governesses had predicted from such mental dissipation were certainly apparent now that Cassandra was twenty-two, and had never passed an examination, and daily showed herself less and less capable of passing one. The more serious prediction that she could never possibly earn her living was also verified.

Sneezing is a form of dissipation which has not cost me a cent so far and I don't intend to yield to it." Immediately after that Abe got Flint and Gibson's treatise on surveying and began to study it day and night under the eye of the kindly schoolmaster. In about six weeks he had mastered the book and reported for duty.

'Partly that Inglewood is crying out for the master's eye, said Louis; 'and partly that my father fancied I looked fagged, and kindly let me run down for a holiday. 'I am of his mind, said Mrs. Frost, tenderly; 'there is an M.P. expression gathering on your brows, Louis. 'For you to dispel, Aunt Kitty. I told him you were the best dissipation, and Virginia was of the same mind.

Moreover, till a strong military adviser was at last found in Grant there was some dissipation of military force in such expeditions. Nevertheless, the naval success of the North was so continuous and overwhelming that its history in detail need not be recounted in these pages.

A short life and a merry one; make the best of it, and jump the life to come. Neither cold morality, nor godless philosophy, nor wild dissipation, nor narrow ecclesiasticism prompted Paul's answer. He said, 'Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. What did that poor heathen man know about the Lord Jesus Christ? Next to nothing.