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It referred to the Lieutenant-Governor's advisers as having deeply wounded the feelings and injured the best interests of the country; yet it was carried with only one dissentient vote that of J. H. Samson, one of the members for Hastings.

"When I wore it at the Casino at Cannes, beautiful women nudged one another and whispered: 'Who is he?" "The code at Continental casinos is notoriously lax, sir." "And when I described it to Pongo last night, he was fascinated." "Indeed, sir?" "So were all the rest of those present. One and all admitted that I had got hold of a good thing. Not a dissentient voice." "Indeed, sir?"

Indeed the dissentient commissioners had worse evils to apprehend than that of being left unremunerated. One of them, Sir Richard Levinz, had mentioned in private to his friends some disrespectful expressions which had been used by one of his colleagues about the King. What he had mentioned in private was, not perhaps very discreetly, repeated by Montague in the House.

There was silence for a while, and then the girl began recounting in a low voice the steps which one by one had led her to the present moment. She did not find it easy. It was hard to forget that under Marion's kind and grave attention there must be, for all her love, the little barrier raised by the dissentient voice of her conscience.

James the Second had obtained from his submissive Parliament, without a dissentient voice, an income sufficient to defray the ordinary expenses of the state during his life; and, before he had enjoyed that income half a year, the great majority of those who had dealt thus liberally with him blamed themselves severely for their liberality.

Nor were we disheartened, for, counting up the whole of about two and a half millions of votes given, we found that the Unionists, as the Tories and Dissentient Liberals called themselves, had a majority of less than 80,000 votes at the polls.

The conditions which, according to him, answered to this description consisted of the cession of all Transylvania, part of the Banat of Temesvar, the Roumanian districts of Bukovina, and of the province of Crishana and Marmaros. About Transylvania there was no dissentient voice: it was admitted that it ought by right to form part of the Roumanian kingdom.

The malcontents, foreseeing that sooner or later the head of the gathering must break, were again divided among themselves whether to resign, or to stay in and strive to force a resignation on their dissentient colleagues. The richer and the more honest were for the former course; the poorer and the more dependent for the latter.

He told them how he had found Joan, in spite of her abjuration, again dressed as a man, and of her having reaffirmed all that she had so recently abjured regarding her voices and apparitions. When he had concluded, Cauchon took the opinion of those around him. Without one dissentient voice, they all affirmed that she should be handed over to the secular arm i.e., burnt.

Yesterday other girls had treated him with more real warmth and pleasure. But there was a certain authority about her not to be gainsaid. "Good night, then," rather gruffly. "He loves thee, ma mie. Hast thou no pity on him?" said Pani, looking earnestly at the lovely face. "I do not want to be loved;" and she gave a dissentient, shivering motion. "It displeases me." "But I am old.