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He ain't bu'sted yet. `Hasn't he? cried Samson. `Hasn't he gone on eatin' till he bu'sted out larfin? We was real mad at 'im, for a' course that wasn't the kind o' bu'stin we meant; and the end of it was, that we spent the most o' that night disputin' the pint whether Samson had lost or won.

He was an amazing set kind of man, the cap'n was, and would have his own way on sea or shore. The mate was his own brother, and they used to fight like a cat and dog; they owned most of the ship between 'em. I was slushing the mizzen-mast, and heard 'em a disputin' about the salt. The cap'n was a first-rate seaman and died rich, but he was dreadful notional.

It makes me feel almost young again, an' I that old an' wo' out. I've had a hard life thar's no disputin' it, marriage is mostly puttin' up with things, I reckon, when it ain't makin' believe." "Thar's mighty few that gits the one that's meant for 'em," said Reuben, "that's sure enough. If we did we'd stop movin' forward, I suppose, an' begin to balk.

There's goiner be another war and a lot of them killed 'cause people ain't doin right. Some don't treat the others right. No'm they never did. They used to threaten em and take 'em out in cars and beat 'em up, just for disputin' their word or not paying 'em and de lack. The white man has cheated a heap because we was ignorant and black.

So while the zeal of the convert wuz on her, and she didn't feel like disputin', the girls made her some red dresses, and some yeller ones, and had some white streamers put onto a white bunnet she had. And they bought themselves the most gorgeous and gay clothin' Jonesville and Loontown afforded. Oren is well off, and he wouldn't stent 'em in such a cause as this no, indeed!

"Mas'r quite right, quite; it was ugly on me, there's no disputin' that ar; and of course Mas'r and Missis wouldn't encourage no such works. I'm sensible of dat ar; but a poor nigger like me 's 'mazin' tempted to act ugly sometimes, when fellers will cut up such shines as dat ar Mas'r Haley; he an't no gen'l'man no way; anybody's been raised as I've been can't help a seein' dat ar."

The other one and me we git along all right, but that feller he's been educated on the scent of that old vest, and he'll be my enemy to my last day." "You're a lucky man to have a wife like Rabbit, anyhow, dog or no dog. It's hard for me to believe she ever took a long swig out of a whisky jug, Dad." "Well, sir, me and Rabbit was disputin' about that a day or so ago.

"You see, Tom, that wuz the only time in his life that Sol wuz ever right when he wuz disputin' with me, an' me bein' a truthful man had to agree with him." Another week passed and the atmosphere of peace and content that clothed the great marsh grew deeper.

"So you agree, of course, with Mr Bertram in condemning the use of the pipe." "Condemn the pipe?" said Bounce, pulling out his own special favourite and beginning to fill it "wot, condemn smokin'? No, by no means wotsomdiver. That's quite another kee-westion, wot we hain't bin a disputin' about. I only heer'd Mr Bertram a-talkin' about obst'nitness an' argementation."

There was nobody on deck that night except the skipper and Zola, but my old friend Dawson was his name was in his bunk lyin' wide awake. He heard that Zola an' the skipper was disputin' about somethin', but couldn't make out what was said only he know'd they was both very angry. At last he heard the skipper say sharply `Ha! would you dare?