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It is indeed an awful engagement, now in the decline of life, and, with respect to myself, under increasing infirmities; but I believe it best for me not to look too far forward, but simply to confide in the mercy and guidance of that blessed Saviour who has been our support and consolation under many deep trials, humblingly believing that whether enabled to accomplish the important prospect or not, it was an offering required at our hands, and that we must leave the event to the Great Disposer of all things.

Thus was a cloud, that looked black and threatened a great storm, blown gently over by a providential breath, which I could not but with a thankful mind acknowledge to the All-great, All-good, All- wise Disposer, in whose hand and at whose command the hearts of all men, even the greatest, are, and who turns their counsels, disappoints their purposes, and defeats their designs and contrivances as He pleases.

A guard accompanied that worthy gentleman to the Maryland side, who saw him safely landed; and committing him to the gracious and wise Disposer of all human events, to guide and protect him whilst contending for a restitution of our dearest rights and liberties, they wished him a safe journey, and happy return to his family and friends." Letters of John Adams to his Wife, i. 40.

'Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. If, O Disposer of events, our human prayers are not adverse to thy pre-judged decrees, protect these lives, the bulwarks of our homes and altars, sons whom the land offers as a sacrifice. May thine angel turn aside the blade as of old from the heart of Isaac!

It seemed a cruel mystery. How was it permitted by the Merciful Disposer! .... Nataly's intellect and her reverence clashed.

When morning dawned, the Khoja went out into the garden, where perceiving that what he had hit was his own gown, he seated himself and returned thanks to the All-merciful Disposer of Events. "Truly," said he, "I have had a narrow escape. If I had been inside it, I should have been dead long before this!" Tale 7. The Khoja and the Fast of Ramadan.

But his countenance fails to ratify the inward structure when, pausing from a recital, he gazes upon your reception of the knowledge conveyed with a kindly smile a most innocent smile that acts as a strong disposer to belief.

The weather had been as propitious as though the local tillers of the soil had themselves had a voice in the making of it, and even gruff Mark Stolliver was constrained to admit that there were fewer grounds for remonstrating with the Great Disposer of events than usual at this season of the year. Every wheat field in the township presented an active spectacle throughout the day.

"Sakuntala, having listened to all this, answered, 'If this be the course sanctioned by religion, if, indeed, I am my own disposer, hear, O thou foremost one of Puru's race, what my terms are. Promise truly to give me what I ask thee. The son that shall be begotten on me shall become thy heir-apparent. This, O king, is my fixed resolve.

This spirit of independence was manly, but Robert did not at the moment join to it the nobler spirit of dependence on the Divine Disposer of events: self-trust filled his heart; and this is the great snare of youth. 'You are looking unusually valorous, said Sam Holt, who marched alongside. He had volunteered to stay with them for their first fortnight of bush life, like a kind fellow as he was.