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"You forget yourself!" she said, with a haughtiness which did not ill become her, notwithstanding her untidy and dishevelled state. "My name is Flower Dalrymple, and I have come from Sleepy Hollow. Please let your mistress know directly." The parlor maid, who saw her mistake, was profuse in apologies. She showed Flower into a dismal-looking dining room, and went upstairs.

I never remember a more dismal-looking close to a day. We had managed to close-reef the mizzen-topsail; but the main-topsail, which was more difficult to manage, was still bulging out above the yard, the hands on which it threatened every instant to strike off, as the ship, with desperate force, kept plunging her bows into the opposing seas.

He had mixed them up with my sins with my acts of hypocrisy, vanity, self-indulgence. Under the head of Charity he had but one item to my credit for the past six months: my giving up my seat inside a tramcar, late one wet night, to a dismal-looking old woman, who had not had even the politeness to say "thank you," she seemed just half asleep.

We were fast approaching an exceedingly gloomy bit of the road where there were plantations on each side, and the trees united their fantastically forked branches overhead. I thought I had never seen so dismal-looking a spot, and a sudden lowering of the temperature made me draw my overcoat tighter round me. "That oh, a night bird of some sort," Mr. Baldwin replied. "An ugly sound, wasn't it?

Soon the lieutenant returned and said courteously: "And now, master, be pleased to follow me to your chamber." Francis arose and followed him without a word. Through the outer ward they passed through the lofty portal which formed the principal entrance to the inner ward over which rose a dismal-looking structure, then called the Garden Tower, but later known as the Bloody Tower.

You saw no quality of any sort, indeed, just working people sitting in dull rows with nothing to stare at but a few young bouncing females in pot hats, riding astride, or desultory Colonials charging up and down on dismal-looking hacks; with, here and there, little girls on ponies, or old gentlemen jogging their livers, or an orderly trying a great galumphing cavalry horse; no thoroughbreds, no grooms, no bowing, no scraping, no gossip nothing; only the trees the same the trees in different to the generations and declensions of mankind.

However, he knew that he must obey, and he went and took his seat in the carryall. It was turned away from the sea, and he had nothing before him but the inland prospect. "What dismal-looking rocks and hills!" said he to himself. They had appeared wild and picturesque when he first came in view of them, but now they had a very gloomy expression.

It was a square block of building some hundreds of yards long, quite foreign in character, having the appearance of factory buildings, or of a barracks or workhouse. "What a dismal-looking place!" said Asako. "Yes," agreed Reggie, "but at night it is much brighter. It is all lit up from top to bottom. It is called the Nightless City."

From this dark and dismal-looking town, shadowed on all sides by barren and cavernous hills, he dispatched the manuscript of his mysteriously composed poem, together with the letter concerning it, to his friend Villiers in England, and then, yielding to a burning sense of impatience within himself, impatience that would brook no delay, he set out resolutely, and at once, on his long pilgrimage to the "land of sand and ruin and gold" the land of terrific prophecy and stern fulfilment, the land of mighty and mournful memories, where the slow river Euphrates clasps in its dusky yellow ring the ashes of great kingdoms fallen to rise no more.

As if to cleanse themselves from the impropriety of this act the soldiers had a grand washing of clothes on the following day, and the day after that they arrived at Suakim. "It is what I call a dreary, dismal-looking town," said Miles to Armstrong, as they approached. "Might be worse," replied his friend. "Ye aye tak a cheery view o' things, Airmstrong." "An' what for no?" asked Sutherland.