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Young Bill him that gave me the meringues has got a mate called Winkle. I'll give you an intro., if you like. He's quite a toff. He's been a waiter." Marcella made some excuse, but when Phyllis or Diddy went away to her appointment with Bill she sat for a long time thinking. She was already feeling disillusioned. At nine o'clock she decided to go below.

But this much was true at least, I was disillusioned forever of the hope of successfully proselytizing Bohemia under the guise of sympathy. Mingled with the bitter tears of regret for the suffering of which I had been the cause were resolves that henceforth I would not sneer at conventionality and custom.

Nor did she in the least show the resigned, disillusioned air of women who have but recently lost their youth. She bore herself just as though she still had no fear of strong lights, and as though she was still the dazzling, dashing blonde of whom John in his earliest twenties used to say, with ingenuous enthusiasm, that she was 'ripping' the ripping Mrs. Chris Hamson. An epical creature!

"Oh, but you haven't seen him kiss his sweetheart," Kay bantered the old man and then blushed, in the guilty knowledge that her badinage had really been inspired by a sudden desire to learn whether Don Mike had a sweetheart or not. Pablo promptly and profanely disillusioned her. "Those boy, he don' have some sweethearts, mees lady. He's pretty parteecular."

He resisted these impressions, he shut them out of his mind, but still they worked into his thoughts, and presently he could find himself asking, even as he and she went in step striding side by side through the red-scarred pinewoods in the most perfect outward harmony, whether after all he was so happily mated as he declared himself to be a score of times a day, whether he wasn't catching glimpses of reality through a veil of delusion that grew thinner and thinner and might leave him disillusioned in the face of a relationship

"Sanda, it is irrelevant to talk of that now," Colonel DeLisle reminded his daughter. "Forgive me! I forgot, father. May I name the new soldier, and wish him joy?" DeLisle laughed rather bitterly. "'Joy' isn't precisely the word. If he hoped for it, he would soon be disillusioned. You may give him a name, if he wishes it. But let me also give him a few words of advice. Monsieur Doran " "St.

But if, instead of victory, there is defeat, then they tremble lest they should be disgraced and lose their places, lest they should be victims of a disillusioned people's anger, lest they should forfeit their plunder, lest they should be called to account for the lies with which they fooled the masses. Defeat is the defeat of evil, victory is the victory of evil.

She laughed lightly and he forced himself to smile. "I know him too well to ever be disillusioned," she said. "Love, they say, is blind," he ventured. "I know his faults as I do mine," she said slowly, "and love him for them. You see, we've known each other since we were children." He could not reply. The awfulness of the truth dumbed him and an impetuous desire to protect her swept through him.

Bunsen points out to "young Tom" that he has only been eight or nine months in the Colonial Office, not long enough to give it a fair trial; that the drudgery of his clerkship will soon lead to more interesting things; that his superiors speak well of him; above all, that he has no money and no practical experience of farming, and that if he is going to New Zealand in the hope of building up a purer society, he will soon find himself bitterly disillusioned.

The Mercury scouted the idea; clear- sighted and disillusioned, it saw the only alternatives to be victory or subjugation. Boyce's argument was that the South had already succumbed to military despotism and would have to endure it forever unless it accepted the terms of the invaders.