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He was not put to the test, for as the boat reached the quay Gaun Neeven stalked up to the door followed by the culprit Tammy, looking quite satisfied with himself, and not at all disconcerted by the many eyes turned upon him some in wonder why he was there, some in pity for his half-witted condition which had caused so much trouble. "Shall we boys clear out of the way?" Harry asked of Mr.

Indeed his prosperous expedition had not only disconcerted the most formidable conspiracy ever formed against the colony, but also placed the inhabitants in general, however much exposed individuals might be to small scalping parties, in a state of greater security and tranquillity than they had hitherto enjoyed.

She was a Theta Gamma with Miss Meiggs, and of late there had been a little rift in their sisterly love. The older girl was not disconcerted. She had her estimate of Pellams Chase, and he was not disproving it. There were certain things she had long wanted the chance to say to him.

There is a well-founded tradition that Douglas, disconcerted and troubled by Lincoln's unexpected manifestation of power in the Springfield and Peoria debates, sought a friendly interview with his opponent, and obtained from him an agreement that neither one of them would make any further speeches before the election.

Sile was in no wise disconcerted, but rode back to the main body in excellent spirits. It was the first real danger of any sort that the expedition had encountered, and there was a keen excitement in it. He had read of such things, and now he was in one without the least idea in the world but what everything would come out all right, just as it does in a novel.

Laura was a good deal disconcerted at their ill-timed appearance, but reflected rapidly that if Mrs. Winship had overheard anything, it was probably Polly's last speech, in which case that young person would seem to be more in fault than herself, so stepping out of the tent she met Mrs. Winship and kissed her good-bye.

I dare say my liver was turning the colour of chalk, but, though I'm too easily frightened, I'm always too proud to show it, which has unjustly got me the character of being a brave man. "Good afternoon, Mr. Too-swift Wicks!" I retorted. "What d'ye mean?" he asked, plainly disconcerted. "I mean," said I, "that the zeal of your office hath eaten you up."

With a frenzied prayer that she might be in time for she had been told of this woman's prowess with a pistol Edith caught hold of her wrist and pulled it violently. Her grip not only disconcerted Mademoiselle's deadly aim, but also caused her to press the trigger. There was a loud report, a scream, and Edith collapsed to the ground with a severe bullet wound in her left shoulder.

Glad to see you, ol' feller. Take a drink. Here, you boy, bring a drink for my frien', Frank Kavanagh." The three others looked on disconcerted. They were not ready to part with Fred yet, having secured only a part of his money. "You don't know him, Fred," said the one who had appropriated the ten-dollar bill. "He's only a telegraph boy."

But he had shown his hand, and his enemies knew how to employ their opportunity. Duport and Lameth attacked him with extreme violence, aiming at his expulsion. The discussion is not reported. But three of those who were present agree that Mirabeau seemed to be disconcerted and appalled by the strength of the case against him, and sat with the perspiration streaming down his face.