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Yes; Jim had seen truly; the ordinary adjective "pretty" applicable alike to a length of ribbon, a gown, or a girl of the commoner type could not be applied to Lydia Orr. She was beautiful to the discerning eye, and Fanny unwillingly admitted it. Lydia Orr, unabashed by the girl's frank inspection, returned her gaze with beaming friendliness. "Did you know I'd bought a house?" she asked.

A combination of refined sensibility and urban ignorance of nature prevented them from discerning certain glaring facts that betrayed his caprid origin. So a ribbon was duly tied round his neck, and in pleasing emulation of the legendary "Mary," he was taken to school by the confiding children.

She found herself seeing through Irene with a disconcerting clearness discerning under all her superficial sweetness, her pettiness, her vindictiveness, her insincerity, her essential cheapness. Irene had lost for ever her faithful worshipper.

He was a knight-errant. All women especially all good and discerning women who knew him and who could intuitively read beneath that clumsy personality his fine sense of respect even of adoration loved Tom Ochiltree. The equivocal celebrity he enjoyed was largely fostered by himself, his stories mostly at his own expense. His education had been but casual.

I had little difficulty in discerning that she was highly delighted with the glowing description I gave of his youthful charms and especially of the size and prowess of her old acquaintance.

The whole effect of the face, however, was singularly pleasing to the discerning critic. An out of door, reckless, humorous, honest personality was stamped on every line of it and every movement of the man. When he spoke his voice had a marked tinge of the twang of the wild west that sounded a little oddly on the lips of a country gentleman in these northern parts.

As she stood concealed beside it, its laughter so outrivaled every other sound that she had difficulty in discerning the Howes' approaching tread, and it was not until the distinct crackle of underbrush reached her ear that she became aware they were approaching. She peered through the bushes. Yes, there they were, all three of them; and there, firm in their grasp, was the mysterious bag.

There's much virtue in an If, says Touchstone; and there's much virtue in an "Oh" a wise, a thoughtful, a speculative, a discerning "Oh" such as that "Oh" pronounced by Rosalie to Mr. Simcox's information that agents, and not he, drew the commissions for the insurance policies which, out of his knowledge and experience, he had advised.

To compare this poem with Byron's poetry say with parts of 'Childe Harold, or 'The Prisoner of Chillon, or with some of his shorter poems would be like comparing the most perfect mechanical device with a graceful animal say the mechanical imitation of a tiger or a gazelle with the living original; the first a wonderfully moving piece of machinery, illustrating the limit of human constructive power; perfectly under control, the movements smooth, unvarying, rhythmical, charming, excelling in agility and power its living prototype but still, scientific to the discerning eye, artful.

An incident which happened about this time will set the characters of these two lads more fairly before the discerning reader than is in the power of the longest dissertation.