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After the last of these encounters the lights began to move outward in obedience to an order given loudly from one of the boats; the regular dip-dip of oars came up, and then there was a rushing sound and a wild passionate chorus of cries from the shore. "I know," panted Aleck, with a feeling of angry indignation attacking him.

And now began what has been acknowledged to be the most trying part of any engagement, from a duel to a battle the waiting for hostilities to begin. It seemed that an interminable time had elapsed from the moment that they heard the first "dip-dip" of the paddles to the sharp crack of a twig sounded in the jungle directly ahead of them.

At last, "Sio uden!" The command was answered by the "dip-dip" of thirty-three paddles, and the canoe glided into the middle of the river and sped onwards. In her crib she tried to read by the light of a candle, while the paddlers extemporised songs in her honour, assigning to her all the virtues under the sun Ma, our beautiful, beloved mother, is on board, Ho! Ho! Ho!

I should not like to have her wakened now, she is so tired, and I I have not watched over her as I should." Appalled at his gesture, his look, his tone, Violet drew back, and for a few minutes no sound was to be heard but the steady dip-dip of the oars and the lap-lap of the waters against the boat.