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"Though just the same I'd like most to death to have just one go at that squarehead Hansen." He smiled with pleasure at the thought. "Say, let's forget it all now, an' you sing me 'Harvest Days' on that dinky what-you-may-call-it." When she had complied, accompanying herself on the ukulele, she suggested his weird "Cowboy's Lament."

During the season of 1910 the writer made the journey to Oberammergau on purpose to see the Passion Play and this chapter is but a brief description of it. Journeying from Zurich, Switzerland, to Oberammergau a stop was made at Munich. From that place there is but one little dinky railroad and one of the greatest mobs I ever got into was at the depot in Munich.

And they said, 'Those little mice make us feel so nice and warm! Inky, dinky, doodum, day! Then they all began to sing, 'Too-whit! Too-who! I don't think much of this song, do you? But there's one thing about it 'tis certainly true Inky, dinky, doodum, day!" They reached the open; the gallop became a trot. "I go north here," said Foy at the cross-roads above the town. "Which way for you?"

I'm a good enough Yank to see if your dinky police is such an all-fired cute little bunch of wonder-workers as you say! Bub you think you're going to get Mr. Greenfield don't you?" "I'm not thinking, Bucky " "Eh?" "I'm simply sticking to you." "Sticking to me!" cried Greenfield with a roar of disgust. "Why, you unimaginative, lumbering, beef-eating Canuck, you can't get me that way!

One was an astute banker with a mouth delinquent borrowers hated to see, one was a woman who was known to be wise and one was a dinky little man with red whiskers. "The question before the house," said Jim Blaisdell, "is, are we justified in playing politics to bolster up a young man we're afraid can't stand on his merits? I don't fancy pulling wires in church matters, that is."

The yacht was 'way up off the coast of Maine at the time, and the nearest place where it was safe to anchor was in the lee of a barren, dinky little island. And they stays there three whole days, while the crew tinkers things up below and the folks yawn their heads off. All but Millie. She got so desp'rate she rowed ashore all by herself.

Murph', the engineer av the dinky, an' his fireman, ducks for the engine-cab, l'avin' me standin' there to face the music. Trevison yells at the engineer av the rattle-box, an' he disappears like a rat into a hole. Thin Trevison swings his gun on me, an' I c'u'd feel me knees knockin' together.

"You can't tell me that you are going to build a railroad into Greenfield's town just to get a dinky little power plant in your own district. I'm not from New York, Jeff." To which Jefferson Worth answered from behind his mask: "The Basin needs a railroad." The next day Greenfield sought the railroad office in haste. "I understand that you have decided to build that branch road."

"I say," began Carter, who was doing the Natural Science Tripos, "what is the adult form of the Pinky Dinky?" But there we were checked by our ignorance of the world. "What is the adult form of any of us?" asked Benton, voicing the thought that had arrested our flow. I do not remember that we ever lifted our criticism to the dons and the organisation of the University.

At noon of a bright day, Jim landed at a little way station from which a single-gauge track ran off into apparent nothingness. Puffing on the single-gauge track was a "dinky" engine, coupled to a flat car. Wooden benches were fastened along one end of the car. The engineer and fireman were loading sheet iron on the other end. They looked Jim over as he approached them.