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We are shown how, by leanin' out one of the front windows, you can almost see the North River; what a cute little dinin' room there is, with a built-in china closet and all; and how convenient the bathroom is wedged between the two sleeping rooms. "But really," says Lucy Lee, "the kitchen is the nicest. Do you know, the sun actually comes in for nearly an hour every afternoon.

Andy stirred perceptibly beneath her. "Then there air Daddy's room," Tess continued, "an' this room air the kitchen an' the dinin' room an' the parlor, an' all the other rooms.... An' an' it air my room, too." "My God, but you're a cute kid!" he chuckled. Tessibel's laugh rang out deliciously fresh and free, and Burnett caught it up and sent it back in one loud guffaw.

She's quality yere on arth an' she gwine ter be quality in Hebin. I knows a heap 'bout you an' you'se pa. I knowd him 'fore you did. I'se seed him in de gran' ole house in Meetin' Street a dinin' agin an' agin wid Marse Wallingford an' my deah Misse Mary, den a bride, an' de gran' ole Major Buggone.

Bill was plumb disgusted; but Jessamie, who had seen the last part of it, had to join in with the rest o' the crowd an' have a laugh. Bill refused to eat unless we could have a private dinin' room.

"He was a warnin' you t'other day not to take all I said for Gospel about society here; but you'll see who's right and who's wrong afore you've done, I know. I described to you, when you returned from Germany, Dinin' out to London. Now I'll give you my opinion of "Life in the Country." And fust of all, as I was a sayin', there is no such thing as natur' here.

"We're goin' to back onto the sidin' now," announced the conductor, "where dinner will be served in the dinin' car as ushool."

"I apologize for my actions of a few minutes ago. I was unstrung. You're still mate o' th' American steamer Maggie, an' as such, welcome to th' ship. All I ask is that you nail up your property, Gib, an' remove it from th' dinin' room table. I want to remind you, however, Gib, that as shipmates me an' McGuffey don't stand for you shoulderin' any loss on them two cases o' Oriental goods.

We'd had a sort o' light supper at four o'clock, an' it was intended to have the weddin' feast after the performance was finished. It was just eight o'clock when Friar Tuck swung off his pony an' as many of the crowd as could gathered in the big dinin' room an' waited for the words to be said.

Miss Bathgate took a savoury-smelling dish from the oven and put it, along with two hot plates, before Mawson, then put the teapot before herself and they began. "Whaur's Miss Reston the nicht?" Bella asked, as she helped herself to hot buttered toast. "Dinin' with Sir John and Lady Tweedie. She's wearin' a lovely new gown, sort of yellow. It suited her a treat. I must say she did look noble.

But when we had footed softly across the porch and peered in the dark passage, we saw at its farther end a crack of light. "Might as well step ri' down to the dinin' room that's where she sets," Mis' Amanda said in her whisper, which is gigantic too. The passage smelled of the oilcloth on the floor and of a rubber waterproof which I brushed.