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Suffice to say, amid the last parting word, the last pressure of the hand, and the last fond embrace, the beloved family of Sir Howard Douglas took their last glimpse of Fredericton, dimmed by their fast falling tears, as the steamer slowly passed from the wharf, whence issued the plaintive strains of "Auld Lang Syne," to be borne ever after in the memory of those who listened to the last parting tribute wafted from the shores of Fredericton.

All traces of sorrow and disease had passed away from the majestic face, that, interesting in life, now looked beautiful and holy in death and happy, for the seal of heaven seemed visibly impressed upon the pure pale brow. He was at peace, and though tears of human sympathy for a moment dimmed my sight, I could not regret that it was so. While I still stood in the door-way, Mrs.

"By all means," said Oliver, pushing open the door and stooping low as he entered. The visitors were instantly transfixed by thirty pair of eyes all of them bright blue, or bright black few of them elevated much more than two feet from the ground, and not one of them dimmed by the smallest approach to a wink.

I briefly told Max what Franz had said concerning Castleman, and the young fellow was delighted at the prospect of an early start for Peronne. In Max's awakening, the radiance of his ideal may have been dimmed, but if so, the words of Franz restored its lustre. If the boy's fancy had wandered, it quickly returned to the lady of Burgundy. I asked Franz if Duke Charles lived at Peronne.

"Did you dream?" he asked lightly. "Yes." "Did you dream true?" "Nothing of my dream can happen," she said. "You know that, … don't you?" "I know that we love … and that we dare not ignore it." She suffered his arm about her, his eyes looking deeply into hers a close, sweet caress, a union of lips, and her dimmed eyes' response. "Stephen," she faltered, "how can you make it so hard for me?

Her eyes twinkled approval upon me, I thought. "You've behaved excellently, Major. Really, I am glad that we left you that other arm." This was almost in her old manner, though her eyes seemed a little dimmed by her excitement. Then, with a sudden return to the patient: "I wonder if you would be good enough to go in and swear at Clem.

But, by degrees, his wits steadied themselves and his breath returned to him. He looked about and above him. The daylight in the hold was dimmed and clouded by the thick, chaff-dust thrown off by the pour of grain, and even this dimness dwindled to twilight at a short distance from the opening of the hatch, while the remotest quarters were lost in impenetrable blackness.

Taunton, growing old after three years though not so old as that her bright, dark eyes were dimmed and remembering that her strength had been benefited by the change resolved to go back for a year to those parts. So she went with a faithful servant, who had often carried her son in his arms; and she was to be rejoined and escorted home, at the year's end, by Captain Richard Doubledick.

The sight of himself and the Infant thus waiting together, gave him peculiar pleasure. The fire burned low. His reflected figure dimmed and faded. A misty shadow hid it from his eyes. He could just see the shining of the silver strings, and the white line of his linen cuff. Then suddenly, he forgot all else save that which he had been trying to remember. He felt a strong tremor in his left wrist.

Marion smiled as her husband playfully alluded to the difference in their religion; for Kenneth was a staunch presbyterian, and his wife a Roman catholic; yet that difference for which so much blood has been shed in the world never for an instant dimmed the lustre of their peace; and Marion told her glittering beads on the same spot where her husband breathed his simple prayer.