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"Celeberrimo indefessoque J. E. Teysmann cum dimidium per sæculum Archipelagi indici thesaurum botanicum exploravit, mirantes collegæ." During the period that the gardens ceased to exist as an independent institution 1830 to 1868 Teysmann continued to search throughout the islands of the Archipelago for rare and undiscovered plants with which to enrich them.

"'Dimidium mentis Jupiter illis aufert, "as I have remarked a thousand times that God deprives slaves of half their judgment, lest, recognizing their miserable condition, they should be thrown into despair. For though they are very adroit in many things which they do, they are so stupid that they have no more sense of being enslaved than if they had never enjoyed liberty.

He lived but by halves; having lost dimidium animae suae, and yet dreaded death, "Lest he might chance to have wholy dyed whome I extremely loved." So he returned to Carthage for change, and sought pleasure in other friendships; but "Blessed is the man that loves Thee and his friend in Thee and his enemy for Thee.

And although it was not to be expected that the great French nation should forego its natural desire of recovering the remains of a hero so dear to it for the sake of the individual interest of the landlady in question, it must have been satisfactory to her to find, that the peculiarity of her position was so delicately appreciated by the august Prince who commanded the expedition, and carried away with him animae dimidium suae the half of the genteel independence which she derived from the situation of her hotel.

We only know that they had grown up as boys together and had gone to the same schools; that they had just passed a year together, probably at Carthage; that this young man, persuaded by him, was become a Manichee; and that, in a word, they loved passionately. Augustin, while speaking of him, recalls in a deeper sense what Horace said of his friend Virgil: dimidium animae "O thou half of my soul!"

I say, Susan, dimidium animae meae I am in the act of meditating upon it; and sorry am I to be compel to be under the neces to be reduced, I say that is redact as in the larned langua : in other words or terms, indeed, is more elegant in other terms, then, Susan, I fear that what I just now alluded to, touching the fama clamosa which is current about me this day, will render that promise a rather premature one on both our parts.

He was nobly stirred as a poet by a poet's death like Mr Swinburne by the death of Charles Baudelaire; but neither Shelley nor Mr Swinburne was lamenting dimidium animae suae, or mourning for a friend "Dear as the mother to the son, More than my brothers are to me." The passion of In Memoriam is personal, is acute, is life-long, and thus it differs from the other elegies.