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Captain Dimick brought a bag of apples, greenings, some he had kept in the cellar over winter. "Nice to eat on the cars," he told us. Everyone asked us to send postcards. Miss Phinney was especially solicitous. "It'll be just lovely to know where you be and what you're doin," she declared.

Amidst the handkerchief-waving, applauding people he saw Keturah Bangs and Alpheus Smalley and Angeline Phinney and Captain Salters even Alonzo Snow, his recent opponent in town meeting. Josiah Dimick was there, too, apparently having a fit. On the doorstep stood Georgianna and and yes, it was true beside her, grandly extending a welcoming hand, the majestic form of the Honorable Heman Atkins.

Well, I feel about that the way Joe Dimick felt when he heard the doctor had told Elviry Pepper she must stop singin' in the choir or lose her voice altogether. 'Whichever happens 'll be an improvement, says Cap'n Joe; and whatever Heman does 'll help the Whittaker place. What did you decide at the meetin'?" "Nothin'. We can't decide yet.

"Queer enough about Cy, that's a fact," concurred Captain Dimick. "I ain't so surprised about Heman's not comin'. Looks as if Whit was right; he always said Atkins dodged a row where folks could watch it. Does most of his fightin' from round the corner. Hello! there's Tad. Now you'll see the crown of glory set on 'Lonzo Snow's head. Hope the crown's padded nice and soft.

Most of his hearers were silent now, on tiptoe of expectation. Dimick looked searchingly at Captain Cy. Then he sprang to his feet. "Order!" he shouted. "What's all this got to do with nominatin' for school committee? Ain't he out of order, Alvin?" The moderator hesitated. His habitual indecision was now complicated by the fact that he was as curious as the majority of those before him.

There was silence for a time; then Miss Phinney spoke concerning the weather. Up at the Cy Whittaker place the days were full ones. There, also, legal questions were discussed, with Georgianna, the Board of Strategy, Josiah Dimick occasionally, and, more infrequently still, Miss Dawes, as participants with Captain Cy in the discussions. Rumors were true in so far as they related to Mr.

By the Almighty! he shan't, so long as I've got a dollar to fight him with. I say that to you, Tad Simpson, and to the man to whoever put you up to this. There! I've said my say. Now, gentlemen, you can choose your side." He strode back to his seat. There was silence for a moment. Then Josiah Dimick sprang up and waved his hat. "That's the way to talk!" he shouted.

On the 13th of May, the Rebel picket-guard was driven from the bridge, and all the Government property was taken possession of by a detachment of two companies from the Fourth Regiment, accompanied by a dozen regulars with a field-piece, acting under the orders of Colonel Dimick, the commander of the post. They retired, denouncing vengeance on Massachusetts troops for the invasion of Virginia.

"No, he ain't come yet. And Heman ain't here, neither. Hello! there's Tad. Looks happy, seems to me." Captain Dimick stood up to inspect Mr. Simpson. "Humph!" he muttered. "Well, unless my count's wrong, he ain't got much to be happy about. 'Lonzo Snow's with him. Tad does look sort of joyful, don't he? Them that laughs last laughs best.

The other side's got almost all the powder and the men. Heman and Tad and that Thomas have got seven eighths of Bayport behind 'em, not to mention the 'Providence' they're so sure of. My crowd is a mighty forlorn hope: Dimick and Ase Tidditt, and Bailey, as much as his wife 'll let him. Oh, yes!" and he smiled whimsically, "there's another one. A new recruit's just joined; Georgianna's enlisted.