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"Fifty cents, papa." "Where is your purse?" She took it from her pocket, and put it into his hand. "Only five cents in it," he remarked, with a smile, when he had examined. Then, taking a handful of loose change from his pocket, he counted out four bright quarters and ten dimes, and poured them into her purse. "O papa! so much!" she cried delightedly, "I feel ever so rich!" He laughed at that.

I will, in addition, observe that similar characteristics distinguish the proposed tables of weights and measures. 'Stars' 'centimes' 'tropics, and 'sols. Why these words should be more significant of cheerfulness, honor, honesty, and solidity, than dollars and dimes, cents and mills, is not, as yet, apparent.

In this way the cost of each of the little patches was figured quite closely. As it turned out, some of the children who were not blessed with many brothers and sisters, sold a good many dimes' worth of vegetables in the course of the summer. "This surely is a happy sight!" exclaimed Mr.

"You gave the chauffeur two dollars," he said. "The fare was really one dollar eighty; so you owe me twenty cents." Mechanically I laid two dimes upon the table. "All the other expenses," continued Edgar, "which I agreed to pay, I have paid." He made a peremptory gesture. "I won't detain you any longer," he said. "Good-night!" "Good-night!" I cried. "Don't I see the treasure?"

Gene Stratton Porter, a wooden model of a Swiss chalet which was also a bank for dimes, a polished abalone shell holding one black-headed pin and one empty spool, a velvet pin-cushion in a gilded metal slipper with "Souvenir of Troy, N. Y." stamped on the toe, and an unexplained red glass dish which had warts. Mrs. Cass's first remark was, "I must show you all my pretty things and art objects."

The next moment, it crashed to the floor and pennies, nickels, dimes, and even half-dollars rolled out on the carpet or mingled with the shattered bits of china. He stood astounded at the number for a moment, then gathered them up on his bed, and took careful count. Thirty-eight dollars and fifty-three cents? He could scarcely believe his eyes.

Quite recently one of Correggio's most beautiful works was discovered under the canvas of a worthless picture acquired at a public auction in Rome for a few dimes, at the sale by a princely family of discarded pictures, and resold by its fortunate discoverer for fifteen thousand dollars, although the original proprietor instituted a suit against him for its recovery, but without success.

Young men of Jimmy's style and looks were scarce in Elmore. Jimmy collared a boy that was loafing on the steps of the bank as if he were one of the stockholders, and began to ask him questions about the town, feeding him dimes at intervals. By and by the young lady came out, looking royally unconscious of the young man with the suit-case, and went her way.

Next year I will make another remittance, increasing the allowance as she grows older. I have more money than I need, and I know of no one on whom I would sooner expend it than the child of Fanny Moore." "Spiteful old fool!" muttered Eugenia, "I could relieve him of any superfluous dimes he may possess."

In a little heap there lay pennies, dimes, quarters, a few silver dollars precious coins that had been put aside to keep the wolf from the door and a separate roll of bills. The offering of the Lower Brulé settlers! "To build a new shack and print shop," they said simply. "The homesteaders will do the building."