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When a new medium arrives, it makes some room for itself, the others adjust, there is a transition period, then a 'convergence'. What is different with the Internet is the interactive dimension of the medium and its possible impact. We are still thinking about that, we are watching to see what happens.

Events, tendencies, lives unimaginable continuities! Repetitions and repetitions and repetitions and no one able to leave the trodden road that ever returned upon itself no one able to take one step from the circle into a new dimension and thence see the form below.... Ian put his hands over his eyes, shook himself, started up and stood at the window.

A tiny space in the gigantic hull, a space less than one thousand cubic feet in dimension was the control and living quarters. It was held now on great cosmium springs, but Arcot was not by any means through.

"The extreme south end of the main building is walled off separately, and occupied exclusively by prisoners whom the State has doomed to death. This place is called the Death Chamber. Inside of this chamber is a high steel cage, four tiers high, and divided into several cells, which are about eight by six feet in dimension.

He went on and down to his house; but all the while he knew that this was not his real habitation, that the house Boase was building daily, stone by stone, was for him too the ultimate bourne, that house which, in some other dimension, only glimpsed here to the dazzling of the mind, is straightened by neither time nor place as we understand them.

I remember to have read that Cupid, on a time being asked of his mother Venus why he did not assault and set upon the Muses, his answer was that he found them so fair, so sweet, so fine, so neat, so wise, so learned, so modest, so discreet, so courteous, so virtuous, and so continually busied and employed, one in the speculation of the stars, another in the supputation of numbers, the third in the dimension of geometrical quantities, the fourth in the composition of heroic poems, the fifth in the jovial interludes of a comic strain, the sixth in the stately gravity of a tragic vein, the seventh in the melodious disposition of musical airs, the eighth in the completest manner of writing histories and books on all sorts of subjects, and the ninth in the mysteries, secrets, and curiosities of all sciences, faculties, disciplines, and arts whatsoever, whether liberal or mechanic, that approaching near unto them he unbended his bow, shut his quiver, and extinguished his torch, through mere shame and fear that by mischance he might do them some hurt or prejudice.

After plane geometry, I said, we proceeded at once to solids in revolution, instead of taking solids in themselves; whereas after the second dimension the third, which is concerned with cubes and dimensions of depth, ought to have followed. That is true, Socrates; but so little seems to be known as yet about these subjects.

Bedient's sense of loneliness became pervasive. Apparently he was outside the range of consciousness for better or worse with the country to which he had always hoped to give his best years. His ideals of the literary art were founded upon large flexible lines of beauty into which every dimension of life fell according to the reader's vision.

It was seated on the ancient Meuse, swollen as it approached the sea almost to the dimension of a gulf, while from the south another stream, called the Donge, very brief in its course, but with considerable depth of water, came to mingle itself with the Meuse, exactly under the walls of the city. The site of the place was so low that it was almost hidden and protected by its surrounding dykes.

Were he capable of rising in the positive direction of the third dimension, he would have pre-vision, because he would be cognizant of that which had not yet intersected his plane: by sinking in the negative direction, he would have post-vision, because he could re-cognize that which had already passed.