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She was the light of our party while we were together on our pilgrimage, a fair, gracious woman, gentle, but courageous, "ful plesant and amiable of port, estatelich of manere, And to ben holden digne of reverence." On the road from Philadelphia, I found in the same car with our party Dr.

Nonnulli etiam eorum in Graeco, aut Latino literati consueuerunt cum deuotione cordis id lectitare. Idem liber dicit Iudaeos perfidos fuisse, quod Iesu eis primum misso a Deo, et multa miracula facienti credere noluerunt, quodque per ipsum tota gens Iudaeorum fuit digne decepta, et merito illusa hoc modo.

Cradock one of your Aid de camps, which has pleased the Duchess of Bedford much; elle se loue continuellement de la lettre qu'elle a recue de votre part; elle se vante du credit qu'elle a aussi apres de vous. C'est un beau garcon, et tres digne de sa protection a tout egard.

C'est un fait dont je n'ai pas besoin d'indiquer d'exemples: aucune litterature n'en fournirait autant que le notre." Hist. de la Poesie Provencale, II. 237. Parallel of Poetry and Painting. "Il y a seulement la scene de Ventidius et d'Antoine qui est digne de Corneille. C'est la le sentiment de milord Bolingbroke et de tous les bons auteurs; c'est ainsi que pensait Addisson."

I quite understand that the fanatics of one sect slaughter the enthusiasts of another sect, that the Franciscans hate the Dominicans, and that a bad artist intrigues to ruin one who surpasses him; but that the wise Charron should have been threatened with the loss of his life, that the learned and generous Ramus should have been assassinated, that Descartes should have been forced to flee to Holland to escape the fury of the ignorant, that Gassendi should have been obliged to withdraw several times to Digne, far from the calumnies of Paris; these things are a nation's eternal shame.

Je n'ai pu les voir, parce qu'on ne permet point aux chrétiens d'en approcher; mais un homme digne de foi m'a dit qu'il y a toujours, pour les garder, un corps de trois cents hommes, et que ce corps est renouvelé de deux en deux mois.

"Vous êtes digne de toute dame anglaise!" which wasn't an elegant way of putting it in the French tongue -but Jeanne, with her odd smile of the lips, showed that she understood her meaning; she had served her apprenticeship in the interpretation of Anglo-Gallic. "But I want to tell you. Doggie and I were engaged. A family matter.

In this strange, melancholy destiny of Notre-Dame-du-Bourg there seems to be a peculiar fitness. The mutability of time, forgetfulness, and at length neglect, which death suggests, are brought to mind by this old church. Once the Cathedral of Digne, but no longer Cathedral, it stands almost alone in spite of its honours and its venerable age.

He stamped and vociferated almost with shrieks. "I approve of what you say," I said, speaking as calmly as possible, on purpose, though I was very much afraid for him. "Certainly it is better than sitting here in such misery, but I can't approve of your state of mind. Just see what you look like and in what a state you are going there! Il faut etre digne et calme avec Lembke.

"Sur ce nous prions Dieu de vous avoir dans Sa sainte et digne garde. Votre affectionné FREDERIC. "Copenhague, ce 7 Juin 1820. "Au Docteur et Professeur WILLIAM CAREY, Membre dirigeant de la Société de la Mission