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Feeding a ration that meets the needs of the system, clean quarters and plenty of exercise are the most important preventive lines of treatment. It is usually advisable to remove the affected animals from the herd or flock in order to prevent others from imitating them. There is a remarkable difference in the development of the stomachs of solipeds and ruminants.

But now everything was merged in this great ordeal of love and grief they were battling through together secure from the unwanted presence of others as they had not been since he had last felt her heart fluttering beneath his, in the porch of the cathedral. "Oh, Rose," he whispered at last, "you don't know what a difference having you makes to me!

"Do you suppose that he would use it if he thought that it was going to hurt him? Now, John, look here; you said that you wanted to become a man. Here's your chance. If you get to where you can smoke a pipe, chew tobacco, and spit, in the way that your father and my dad do, you will be a man. Just some folks' saying that it is a bad habit doesn't need to make any difference with you."

He seemed to be at peace with himself, and with all the other children of Adam, "Tribe make no difference," he answered. "All children of same Great Spirit." "Red men and pale-faces?" I asked, not a little surprised with his reply. "Red man and pale-face. Christ die for all, and his Fadder make all. No difference, excep' in color. Color only skin deep."

Having thus stated the difference of opinions, as regards caste, between the Germans and the Protestant missionaries, I shall then proceed to inquire whether caste can or can not be traced to an idolatrous source; whether it was in any way necessarily wound up with religion; and whether, further, it is at all necessary that, supposing it to have been at any time wound up with religion, there should therefore be at the present day any necessary connection between the religions of the peoples and their caste customs.

"Let me die! I feel dead already." Hilda held her face close. "Isabel," she whispered and I recognised in her tone the vast moral difference between "Isabel" and "Number Fourteen," "Is-a-bel, you must take it. For Arthur's sake, I say, you MUST take it." The girl's hand quivered as it lay on the white coverlet. "For Arthur's sake!" she murmured, lifting her eyelids dreamily. "For Arthur's sake!

Of course Winsome Bluebird doesn't really whistle off the snow, but after he comes, the snow disappears so fast that it seems as if he did. It is surprising what a difference a little good news makes. Of course nothing had really changed that first day when Winsome Bluebird's whistle was heard on the Green Meadows and in the Green Forest, but it seemed as if everything had changed.

Wool assented, saying that the only difference was, there were no ladies in the old military camp. I have neither time nor space to give a full account of this camp meeting. The services commenced the same evening. There were preachers of more or less fervor, of piety and eloquence of utterance.

These words sounded strange to the visitor. She could not understand. "It seems strange," said she, "that Bessie loves to stay at home and to be with you so much. Doesn't she ever get lonesome? Nora is restless and tired when she has to stay at home, and says I am too old for her." Ah! here was the secret of the difference between the two girls.

And thirdly, the voitures de remise, which can only be hired from a stable, and are prohibited from appearing on the stands; these also are numbered in red, but in a particular style, so that a policeman at a glance can distinguish the difference between the voitures mixtes and those of the last category.