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"It's a pity you didnt find that out a little sooner, isnt it?" "I know, Mrs. Crawford. I thought I was acting for the best." "Thought you were acting for the best in running away from a good husband! Well, you British aristocrats are singular. You throw stones at us because our women are so free and our divorces so easy.

"By the balls of Benjamin Franklin and the little white fringe on Horace Greeley's chin, this goddamned thing's been wrote by hand! Arent there any typewriters anymore? Did Mister Remington commit suicide unbeknownst to me?" "I'm sorry," I said stiffly. "I didnt think youd have any difficulty in reading my handwriting."

Why in Miss Jemima Parrs fathers slay. And when he went out they were gone and his slay was gone also his horse. Of course my mothers uncle Thomas didnt steal the horse. He just borroed it and sent it home the next day. But before Miss Jemima Parrs father could get another rig to follow them they were so far away he couldent catch them before they got married.

"Weener sahib, fate has tied us together." I hoped not. I was weary of Gootes and his phony accents. J S Francis, World Renowned Chemist, exclusively in the Intelligencer. You know. Suppress her unfortunate sex. "Anyway she didnt grasp her chance. Practically told W R to go to hell.

Determination was implicit in the sharply unnatural lines of her corset and the firm set of her glasses as she charged into the gently swaying runners. The wheels turned rebelliously, the mower bit, its rusty blades grated against the knife, something clanked forcibly and the machine stopped. Mrs. Dinkman pushed, her back arched with effort the mower didnt budge. She pulled it back.

Salt enthusiasts argued that nothing except a few million tons of an inexpensive mineral would be wasted if an improbable failure occurred, but if successful in stopping the advance the country could wait safely behind its rampart till some weapon to regain the overrun area was found. But the salt advocates didnt have everything their own way.

By abowt six o'clock in the morning I was drest in my full uniform; and I didnt know how to pass the interveaning hours. "'My Granmother hasnt seen me in full phigg, says I. 'It will rejoice that pore old sole to behold one of her race so suxesfle in life.

Marian was horror stricken. "You thought ! Oh, Nelly, what puts such things into your head?" "So would you have thought it if you had the least gumption about people. However, I was wrong; and I'm glad of it. However, I was right about Marmaduke. I told you so, over and over and over again." "I know you did; but I didnt think you were in earnest."

No; I'm afraid, Mr Weener, I must ask you to put this in more orthodox form and type it up." Just another example of pettish bureaucracy, the officiousness of the jack-in-office. Except for the nuisance, it didnt particularly matter.

Father wont let me play marbles in ernest. it aint enny fun dreening a feller and then giving them back. i bet father didnt when he was a boy. Mar. 19. Scott Briggam brought my squirrel today and i paid him 35 cents, 3 ten cents scrips and five cents. i have got it in a bird cage.