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On the private law side 18 clauses apply to rights of property and possession, 13 to succession and family law, 37 to contracts, including marriage when treated as an act of sale; 18 touch on civil procedure. A subject which attracted special attention was the law of status, and no less than 107 paragraphs contain disposition dictated by the wish to discriminate between the classes of society.

This naïve confession of Madame de is what few would make, but the selfishness that dictated it is what society, en masse, feels and acts up to. Monsieur de , talking of London last evening, told the Count to be on his guard not to be too civil to people when he got there. The Count looked astonished, and inquired the reason for the advice.

He was tainted with a Herodian malady of the mind: his thoughts were often hateful to himself; but there was an ecstasy in the conception, as if delight could be mingled with horror. I think, however, he struggled to master the fatality, and that his resolution to marry was dictated by an honourable desire to give hostages to society, against the wild wilfulness of his imagination.

"I suppose it looks silly, if not worse, to you," Stella said. "But I can't help what you think. My reason has dictated every step I've taken since last fall. If I'd really given myself up to sentimentalism, the Lord only knows what might have happened." "Exactly," Linda responded drily. "Now, there's no use beating around the bush.

The Roman Republic was ended. The Empire was not established in name, but the government was in reality absolute. The chief ruler united in himself all the great offices of the state, but concealed his strength and power, professing himself the minister of the senate, to which, however, he dictated the decrees that he ostentatiously obeyed.

The courtesy and kindliness of this little act on the part of a man who had come to the town in the midst of shouting crowds, with joy bells ringing above his head, speak well for the simple, honest heart that dictated it. After all, it may be said that a passing civility of this sort involved but little trouble, and was more a matter of good-breeding than anything else.

It is the tragedy of two lovers, an honorable aristocrat and a girl of humble birth, who are done to death through a vile intrigue which is dictated by the exigencies of an infamous political regime.

Ah, I told Hector that the letter he dictated to me would not be believed. There are misfortunes for which death is the only refuge." M. Plantat was about to reply, but Lecoq was determined to take the lead in the interview. "It is not you, Madame, that we seek," said he, "but Monsieur de Tremorel." "Hector! And why, if you please? Is he not free?"

Last fall a Miss Seaton was staying at the hotel with her mother. She dictated a letter to me, the carbon copy of which I am enclosing. She told me that she was having the letter typed for a joke and asked me to sign it 'Jane Allen. I knew that wasn't her name, because I had heard a bell-boy page her several times and knew who she was.

This was one of those ostentatious acts of generosity which are dictated by the policy of princes, at least as much as by their compassion; but the grief of Marie Antoinette was profound, and lasted several days; nothing could console her for the loss of so many innocent victims; she spoke of it, weeping, to her ladies, one of whom, thinking, no doubt, to divert her mind, told her that a great number of thieves had been found among the bodies, and that their pockets were filled with watches and other valuables.