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"But how about your reviews?" said Lucien, as they rolled away to the Palais Royal. "Pooh! you do not know how reviews are knocked off. I shall say that the writer may have mastered the dicky-bird language on the flints that they call 'obelisks' out there in Egypt, but he cannot write in his own, as I will prove to him in a column and a half.

He stood about five feet nought and tipped the beam at seven stone nothing. He had a mild chinless face and his long beaky nose, round large spectacles, and trick of cocking his head sideways when conversing, gave him the appearance of an intelligent little dicky-bird. I remember very well the occasion of our first meeting.

Now if you ask a private soldier whether he minds doing a thing instead of telling him to do it, his brain begins to get confused. As one defaulter, whose confusion of brain had led him into trouble, observed to his mates: "What can you do with a blighter who's a cross between a blinking Archbishop and a ruddy dicky-bird?"

May came in, and said, 'I want you to sketch off a portrait of her dicky-bird for Meta; and he put before her a natural history with a figure of that tiny humming-bird which is endowed with swansdown knickerbockers. 'By the bye, where is the sprite?

And what about this here fifty-pound dicky-bird you've been after?" "The Nightingale?" said Loman. "Oh, it's all right, of course; but the fact is, I forgot when I promised you the money now, that of course they " "Oh, come now, none of your gammon," said Mr Cripps, angrily; "a promise is a promise, and I expect young swells as makes them to keep them, mind that."

You'd have been very much entertained half an hour ago if you could have seen me swipe a Washington pie and a quart of milk right out from under the nose of old Aunt Fanny. Milk is my favorite beverage, David. You notice I'm not drinkin' this fire-water. I made two of 'em for company's sake, but I still turn my back on the wine when it's pink. Not for me not for little Dicky-bird."

"There’s a bird of sorts yelling like hell below," he said to the card players. Carfax ran over his cards, rejected three, and nodded. "Well, let him yell," he said. "What is it, a Boche dicky-bird insulting you?" asked Gary, in his Yankee drawl. Flint, declining to draw cards, got up and went out into the sunshine.

"Tweet, tweet I'm a canary!" chuckled Seaton. "Throw us a rope!" "A Dicky-bird, you mean," interposed Dorothy. "I knew that you were a sleight-of-hand expert, Dick, but I did not know that levitation was one of your specialties," remarked Crane with mock gravity. "That is a peculiar pose you are holding now. What are you doing sitting on an imaginary pedestal?"

"But how about your reviews?" said Lucien, as they rolled away to the Palais Royal. "Pooh! you do not know how reviews are knocked off. I shall say that the writer may have mastered the dicky-bird language on the flints that they call 'obelisks' out there in Egypt, but he cannot write in his own, as I will prove to him in a column and a half.

What was my horror, then, to see her deliberately smiling at me, then coming toward us with hand outstretched. I realized the truth even before she spoke. It was not I at whom she was smiling, but Dicky. She was Dicky's friend! "Why, bless my soul, if it isn't the Dicky-bird," she cried so loudly that everybody turned to look at us. She took my hand.