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This was so marked that the least attempt at teasing was enough to send me away in a state of misery. My mates knew this, and accordingly often made me the butt of their cheap witticisms. Day by day I was bantered about my supposed diamond-mine; mockingly I would be asked how many carats my last find weighed, and so on. Consequently, I was afraid again to mention the subject.

They have gone home for a trip, and they told Papa to come here for the holidays, if he liked. Mr. von Greusen looks after the farm for them. His vineyard begins a little farther up the hill. The diamond-mine hasn't begun to pay yet, but it soon will." "Do you like is Mr. von Greusen a nice man?" "Nice! Of course he is. Jolly nice, and jolly clever too. Why do you ask?"

If they don't scratch each other, they may, or they might, or they could, or they would, or at any rate they should scratch each other. It was all very well so long as they lay in the wall of this your old diamond-mine. But now you'll be for ever playing with them! No, no! wrap each one up by itself, I say." "We're so far from likely to keep fingering them, Mr.

Bridget says that my diamond is the Luck of the Campbells, and will always bring good luck to the person that wears it, like a four-leaved shamrock. So I made Hugh take it." This remark reminded the others of the diamond-mine, and Dick, Jerry, and Mollie became eager for news of that adventure.

If you really have found a diamond-mine, youngsters, something will have to be done about shares. Who finds keeps, you know. We'll have the place properly surveyed and see what happens. But don't begin counting your chickens too soon these Australian diamond- mines are tricksy things; you never know how they are going to pan out. Wait a bit before you plan what to do with your fortune."

Later, Alderdene used him to get rid of an angular, old harridan who seemed to be one solid diamond-mine, and who drove him into a corner and talked indelicacies until Plank's broad face flamed like the setting sun.

May you fall to the lot, not of an honest artist, but of an old Duke with a diamond-mine and beplastered with gold and silver foil! Out with the cursed note that you tried to hide from me! What have you been scribbling? From whom did it come, or to whom is it going?"

No one could have looked less romantic, and they all three had to laugh at Dick's suggestion. He cheered up slightly. "Anyhow now perhaps we can find out a few things what the blood was, and how rich the diamond-mine made them." "And if Grizzel made her fortune in jam," Mollie added, "and if Hugh ever invented an aeroplane."

"The trouble is there are too many who love you," he said. "And now there is another." "Indeed!" she cried. "What do you mean?" "Gahan of Gathol has asked permission to woo you." The girl sat up very straight and tilted her chin in the air. "I would not wed with a walking diamond-mine," she said. "I will not have him."

Girl!" "You needn't go on saying girl in that voice," said Grizzel. "It isn't the girl who is tumbling about with loverishness; it's Mr. Smith." "What happened to the diamond-mine?" Mollie interrupted, feeling that another squabble was in the air. "Did you make a fortune, and is this house it?" "Oh no this house belongs to the Bertram Fitzherberts; they are fruit-farmers.