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And in that case, things'll get settled that much quicker. This Crandall thinks these men I fired are martyrs, and he's preaching a crusade. He ought to carry an advocatus diaboli on his payroll, to scrutinize the qualifications of his martyrs, before he starts canonizing them." A little later, Doris Rives came into the office, her hands full of papers and cards.

Indeed, the Italians treated the Pope as negroes treat their fetishes. If they had cause to dislike him, they beat and heaped insults on him like the Florentines who described Sixtus IV. as "leno matris suae, adulterorum minister, diaboli vicarius," and his spiritual offspring as "simonia, luxus, homicidium, proditio, haeresis."

"Then why give up your platform, your housetop, whence you may do so much good? You are loved, venerated." Strelitski placed his palms over his ears. "Don't! don't!" he cried. "Don't you be the advocatus diaboli! Do you think I have not told myself all these things a thousand times? Do you think I have not tried every kind of opiate?

As Havelock Ellis says: "Instead of being regarded as a being who at periodic intervals becomes the victim of a spell of impurity, the conception of impurity becomes amalgamated with the conception of woman; she is, as Tertullian puts it, Janua diaboli; and this is the attitude which still persisted in medieval days."

He was not the sort of man that the Tourist Agencies of to-day would select to frame their advertisements. As an advocatus diaboli on the subject of Travel he would have done well enough. And yet we must not infer that the magic of travel is altogether eliminated from his pages.

'Strange story of high life' you felt fairly high on that pedestal, did you not? Then a sub-title, 'Glimpse of a singular menage. He's a foul feeder, is Mr. Malone, a carrion eater, like all of his kind porcus ex grege diaboli a swine from the devil's herd. That's it, Malone what?" "You are really intolerable!" said I, hotly. He bellowed with laughter.

"Incedo per ignes," but it is impossible to refrain from quoting Burnet's language, which, mutatis mutandis, would have expressed what High Churchmen felt towards the leaders of the Oxford movement, and with equal truth and justice. Here Antony Wood may be called in to play the part of the Advocatus Diaboli.

The dramatist played the advocatus diaboli very cleverly, and the other side felt that its case had been stated fairly. The best way to convince people of anything is to present their own views to them in a fashion which they deem just, and then offer them reasons for doubting the truth of their opinions.

That would be outrageous impudence. You clearly understand. I don't want you ever to mention my name unless I'm dead. If I feel that I've an advocate in you advocatus diaboli, if you like I'll go away happy. You've got your brief. You know my life at home. You know my record." "My dear fellow," said I, "I promise to do everything in my power to carry out your wishes.

The large exception of opium, wine, specifics, and anaesthetics, made in the text, takes off enough from the useful side, as I fully believe, to turn the balance; so that a vessel containing none of these, but loaded with antimony, strychnine, acetate of lead, aloes, aconite, lobelia, lapis infernalis, stercus diaboli, tormentilla, and other approved, and, in skilful hands, really useful remedies, brings, on the whole, more harm than good to the port it enters.